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Title:Prilagajanje in obvladovanje kulturnih sprememb v tranzitarnem preseku slovenske družbe : magistrska naloga visokošolskega univerzitetnega študijskega programa druge stopnje
Authors:ID Brešan, Maja (Author)
ID Makarovič, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Bresan_Maja_i2016.pdf (9,54 MB)
MD5: BD592DB0212025B8190F5422AD5A4E20
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Raziskava analizira kulturne spremembe v slovenski druţbi kot odsev modernizacije. Raziskava je bila izvedena v dveh delih, in sicer na druţbenem nivoju z analizo druţbenega diskurza z metodo analize spletnega diskurza ter na nivoju posameznika z analizo podatkov, zbranih med leti 2010 in 2016, ki jo bomo v nalogi poimenovali tudi longitudinalna analiza. Izbran vzorec so mladi, ki prehajajo v odraslost, ker predstavljajo produkt modernizacije in hkrati odsevajo druţbene spremembe. Spletni diskurz nam je pokazal razcep med generacijo mladih in generacijo starejših. Starejši ohranjajo socialistične elemente s prepletom preţivetvenih vrednot, medtem ko mlada generacija sprejema bolj individualistične usmeritve s prepletom tradicionalnih vrednot. Kljub razhajanju prihaja do delnega konsenza med generacijami, kar nakazuje na delno potrjevanje obstoječih norm in vrednot. Mladi ne dosegajo pričakovanj druţbe, zato so predmet ostre kritike starejše generacije. Longitudinalna analiza pa prikazuje presek mladih v prehodu v odraslost, kjer so prisotne predvsem postmoderne vrednote, ki se v zaključenem prehodu okrepijo pod predpostavko uspešnega prehoda na trg delovne sile in dobro oceno zadovoljstva z ţivljenjskim potekom. Nakazujejo se razlike v obvladovanju in spreminjanju kulturnih sprememb pri mladi generaciji. Skozi celotno študijo lahko zaključimo, da prihaja do spreminjanja kulturnega jedra slovenske druţbe, s prepletom tradicionalizacije druţinskih usmeritev in individualizacije osebnostnih značilnosti in podob.
Keywords:kulturna tranzicija, modernizacija, spreminjanje vrednot, prehod v odraslost, individualizacija, družbeno delovanje, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:[M. Brešan]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:95 str., [227] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7916 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4609019 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:26.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:The study analyzes the cultural changes in Slovenian society, as a reflection of modernization flows. The survey was conducted in two different parts, the first part was analyzed on the social level of discussion, analyzing the social discourse of online discourse. The second part was conducted as a longitudinal analysis of data collected between the period of 2010 and 2016. The data were collected with the focus group method and interviews. The selected sample was young people in transition to adulthood. Young people are the product of modernization and they represent the most important social changes at the first place. The analysis of online discussion has shown the generation gap between young and older generations. Old generation shows more elements of socialistic views with mix of survival values, while young generation shows more individualistic ideas of life course, with very unexpected mix of traditional values in section of creation a family. Despite the divergence between two generations comes to partial consensus, which indicates the validation of certain values. However, young people do not reach the expectation of the society, furthermore are the subject of critics by old generation. Longitudinal analysis shows the cross section of transition of young people in to adulthood, where they show more post materialistic values, which become more explicit when it came to adulthood with assumption that they finish their transition to the labor market and they value a good estimate of satisfaction with life cycle stage. The study indicates differences in adapting on cultural changes in transition to adulthood. The risks and uncertainties in youth are more visible through young people with poorer welfare, and those uncertainties migrate also to the early adulthood. Finally, the conducted study shows the meaningful changes in the core of the Slovenian culture, but with mixture of traditionalisation of the family orientations and the individualization of personal images and features.
