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Title:Družinska vloga zaposlenih žensk : usklajevanje zaposlenih žensk z družinskim življenjem v občini Kanal ob Soči
Authors:ID Polanc, Petra (Author)
ID Podgornik, Nevenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Polanc_Petra_i2014.pdf (1,71 MB)
MD5: 0F527687CAC6B0BF085418DF3CE29D60
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Zaposlena ženska je danes nekaj povsem običajnega. Poleg tega je samoumevno, da je ženska partnerka in mati. Pogosto pa pozabimo, da je ženska oboje skupaj, torej zaposlena oseba s plačano službo ter pomemben družinski član. Naloga se tako osredotoča na družinsko vlogo zaposlenih žensk v občini Kanal ob Soči. Največjo težavo družinskega življenja žensk predstavlja prav usklajevanje plačanega dela in družinskega življenja. Danes so časi še posebej neugodni, saj je plačano delo težko dobiti, nato pa ga je težko obdržati in uskladiti z družinskimi obveznostmi. Težava žensk pri usklajevanju obojega se je pojavila, ko so ženske množično začele vstopati na trg delovne sile in se tudi veliko bolj izobraževati kot nekoč. Problem se je stopnjeval do te točke, da danes ženske zaradi delovne negotovosti prelagajo materinstvo na kasnejše obdobje. Plačano delo žensk torej pomembno vpliva na kasnejšo odločitev za družino. V zadnjih letih je občutiti pomoč partnerjev, ki postaja iz leta v leto vidnejša. Tu se je pokazal velik napredek, pojavilo se je t. i. »novo očetovstvo«, ki je veliko prispevalo k usklajevanju plačanega dela in družinskega življenja žensk. Teoretični del magistrske naloge, v katerem smo orisali nekaj ustreznih pojmov za obravnavano temo, smo v empiričnem delu podkrepili s strukturiranimi intervjuji dvanajstih zaposlenih žensk iz občine Kanal ob Soči. Ugotavljali smo, kako zaposlene ženske v obravnavani občini usklajujejo plačano delo in družinske obveznosti, komu so razdeljene obveznosti v okviru družine ter ali se zaposlene ženske čutijo prikrajšane za svoje poklicne ambicije zaradi družinskega življenja. Rezultati empirične raziskave so potrdili rezultate oz. videnje teoretikov, da so ženske danes še vedno bolj obremenjene kot moški, vendar imajo vedno večjo pomoč svojih partnerjev pri lažjih nerutinskih opravilih.
Keywords:zaposlena ženska, družinsko življenje, novo očetovstvo, vloga ženske, usklajevanje plačanega dela in družinsko življenje, strukturiran intervju
Place of publishing:Kanal
Place of performance:Kanal
Publisher:[P. Polanc]
Year of publishing:2014
Year of performance:2014
Number of pages:65 str., [34] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7943 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1024632897 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:27.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:Today, an employed woman is something completely normal. Moreover, a woman is also a partner and a mother. Yet, we often forget that a woman has both roles simultaneously, i.e. as an employee having a payed job and is an important family member. This thesis focuses on the family roles of employed women in the Municipality of Kanal ob Soči. The largest difficulty of women's family life is the coordination of their paid work and family life. Today, in particular, the situation is especially unfavorable as it is difficult to get a paid job and to maintain it as well as coordinate it with family responsibilities. Women's in the coordination of both occurred when women began to massively enter the labor market and to get more educated than they used to. The problem has escalated to the point that due to the uncertainties related to the work women postpone motherhood to a later period. Women's paid work therefore importantly affects the subsequent decision to start a family. In recent years, the support of their partners starts to be felt, which is also becoming more visible. Great progress has been achieved here: there has been significant progress due to the "New fatherhood" which has significantly contributed to the coordination of paid work and women's family life. The theoretical part of the master's thesis includes a presentation of the relevant concepts for the topic under examination. The empirical work was supported by a structured interviews with twelve female employees of the Municipality of Kanal ob Soči. We investigated how employed women in this municipality coordinate their paid work and family responsibilities, who gets the responsibilities within the family, and whether employed women feel deprived of their professional ambitions due to their family life. The results of empirical studies have confirmed the examined theoretical work theorists that women today are still more burdened than men, but are receiving increasing support from their partners in easier non-routine tasks.
Keywords:employed woman, family life, new fatherhood, the role of women, coordination of paid work and family life, structured interview
