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Title:Moška želja po vitkih ženskih telesih : realnost ali zgolj žensko prepričanje?
Authors:ID Šegina, Damjana (Author)
ID Prijon, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Segina_Damjana_i2015.pdf (2,47 MB)
MD5: 7ECE13866717510BA96B952BBDCDE3D1
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi raziskujemo sodobne predstave o idealni ženski lepoti skozi moške ideale lepote in pričakovanja in jih primerjamo z ženskimi prepričanji o tem, kaj je za moške idealna ženska lepota. Tema je zelo aktualna zaradi vse večje obremenjenosti žensk z lastnim videzom, kar posledično vpliva na pojav različnih bolezenskih stanj (npr. anoreksija, bulimija itd.), ki pa imajo tako psihične kot fizične posledice. V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali, ali so ženske zadovoljne s svojim telesom in ali menijo, da so svojim partnerjem všeč. Na drugi strani pa nas je zanimalo, kaj moški menijo o videzu svoje partnerice, kakšna je za njih idealna ženska lepota ter kaj je moškim najpomembnejše pri izbiri partnerice (spolne in življenjske sopotnice). Z analizo ključnih pojmov, ki se navezujejo na družbeni in biološki spol, žensko lepoto skozi zgodovino in sodobne lepotne ideale, pomen lepote za ženske in njihovo prepričanje, ideal vitkosti ter moške želje glede idealne ženske lepote smo v empiričnem delu naloge s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika analizirali zadovoljstvo žensk z njihovim videzom in njihove predstave o moških željah. Hkrati pa smo pri moških preverjali, kako so zadovoljni z videzom svoje partnerice in kakšno je za njih idealno (lepo) žensko telo oz. zunanji videz. S pomočjo raziskave smo ugotovili določena ujemanja, pa tudi razhajanja v mnenjih in pričakovanjih glede lepotnih idealov pri obeh spolih.
Keywords:spol, lepotni ideali, vitkost, žensko telo, videz, ženska prepričanja, moške želje, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Place of performance:Novo mesto
Publisher:[D. Šegina]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:79 str., [9] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7947 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4501755 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:27.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the thesis we explore contemporary notions of ideal female beauty through the male beauty ideals and expectations and compare them with women's beliefs about what is the ideal female beauty for male. The theme is very topical because of the increasing workload of women with their own appearance, which in turn affects the emergence of various disease states (eg. anorexia, bulimia, etc.), which have both mental and physical consequences. In the thesis, we investigated whether women are satisfied with their bodies and whether they consider that their partner likes them. On the other hand, we wanted to know, what men think, is for them an ideal female beauty and what is most important men in the choice of partners (sexual and life companion). By analyzing the key concepts relating to the social and biological gender, female beauty through history and modern beauty ideals, the importance of beauty for women and their conviction ideal of thinness and men wishes regarding the ideal of female beauty, we are in the empirical part of the thesis using a survey analyze satisfaction questionnaire for women with their appearance and their perceptions about men liking. At the same time we examined how men are satisfied with the appearance of their partner and what looks like an ideal female body or outward appearance for them. Through research we found certain matches, as well as differences in the opinions and expectations of beauty ideals in both sexes.
