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Title:Motnje hranjenja : težava sodobnega sveta
Authors:ID Jelnikar, Vanja (Author)
ID Podgornik, Nevenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Jelnikar_Vanja_i2014.pdf (696,87 KB)
MD5: D2C3B0480EB244A40018D181239FE24F
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Motnje hranjenja so danes zaskrbljujoč in obsežen problem. V hitrem ritmu vsakdana in pod težo družbenih pritiskov se ljudje cenijo le po zunanjosti. Vitkost je postala zapoved, debelost pa stigma. Takšna in podobna kulturna sporočila dobijo otroci že v družinah, kjer se jim po eni strani hrano ponuja, po drugi strani pa opozarja, da morajo paziti, da ne bodo pojedli preveč. Motnje hranjenja izražajo konflikte in stiske nekega okolja, vendar lahko postanejo za posameznika tako neznosne, da mobilizirajo njegove simptome in obrambne mehanizme. Postanejo lahko izraz osvoboditve notranjih, bolečih in neprepoznavnih čustev, zato jih uvrščamo med duševne bolezni in na žalost o njih govorimo očitajoče, nerazumevajoče in s stigmo. V teoretičnem delu naloga opredeljuje motnje hranjenja in njihove vrste, prikazuje pomen hrane in pojasnjuje poglavitne vzroke, dejavnike in posledice motenj hranjenja ter opisuje vpliv medijev in družbe na pojav motenj hranjenja. Empirični del naloge, singularna študija primera, proučuje življenje družine in doživljanje otroka z motnjo hranjenja.
Keywords:motnje hranjenja, družina, družba, hrana, čustva, mediji
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:[V. Jelnikar]
Year of publishing:2014
Year of performance:2014
Number of pages:60 str., [31] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7971 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1024633409 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:27.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:Eating disorders today are a worrying and wide-ranging problem. The fast pace of everyday life and the weight of social pressures cause people to judge others based on appearance. Thinness has become a must, while obesity has become a stigma. These and other cultural messages are already given to children within their families, where on the one hand they are offered food, while on the other, they are warned not to eat too much. Eating disorders reflect conflicts and difficulties of an environment, but may become so unbearable for an individual that he mobilizes his symptoms and defense mechanisms. They can be an expression of liberation from inner, painful and unrecognized emotions. That is why they are considered as mental illness, and unfortunately, we talk about them reproachfully, without comprehension, and with stigma. The theoretical part of the study identifies eating disorders and their types, showing the importance of food and explaining the main causes, factors and consequences of eating disorders, thus describing the influence of media and society on the phenomenon of eating disorders. The empirical part of the work, a single case study, examines the life of a family and the experience of a child with eating disorders.
Keywords:eating disorders, family, society, food, emotions, media
