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Title:Prenova poslovnih procesov : (primerjava metodoloških pristopov prenove poslovanja organizacij)
Authors:ID Velušček, Miha (Author)
ID Damij, Nadja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Veluscek_Miha_i2013.pdf (783,53 KB)
MD5: 4754762FD8E921E12104F856474D697E
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Časi, v katerih se nahajamo, so nestabilni. Sile odjemalcev, konkurence ter sprememb so se v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih zelo spremenile, kar je povzročilo veliko zmedo na trgu, kjer poslujejo organizacije. Hud udarec pa jim je zadala še finančna kriza, ki je povzročila propad prenekaterih zadolženih podjetij. Načinov, kako se podjetje odzove na spremembe v okolju, je več. Eden od njih je prenova poslovanja. Obstaja veliko metod prenove poslovanja, v svoji diplomski nalogi se bom osredotočil le na nekatere. Tako bom na grobo opisal ter med sabo primerjal metodo prenove poslovnih procesov, metodo managementa poslovnih procesov, metodo upravljanja z znanjem, metodo celovitega upravljanja s kakovostjo, metodo Kaizen ter metodo 5S.
Keywords:poslovni proces, BPM, BPR, TQM, Kaizen, 5S, upravljanje z znanjem, primerjava metodologij pri prenovi poslovanja
Place of publishing:Goljevica
Place of performance:Goljevica
Publisher:[M. Velušček]
Year of publishing:2013
Year of performance:2013
Number of pages:VIII, 42 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8089 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1024607553 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:29.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:We live in unstable times. The forces of costumers, competitors and changes have altered in the past few decades. That caused a big confussion on the market, where organisations operate. Financial crisis also contributed to this, causing a collaps of many owing companys. There are several ways that companys can respond to the market changes. One of them is business renovation. There are several ways/possibilities to renovate the business, in my work I focused on some of them. I described and compared methods of business process reeingeenering, business process mangement, knowledge management, total quality management, method Kaizen and method 5S.
Keywords:business process, BPM, BPR, TQM, Kaizen, 5s, knowledge management, methodological approaches of bussiness renovation
