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Title:Analiza oblik pomoči za starše otrok s specifičnimi učnimi težavami : diplomska naloga
Authors:ID Petak, Urška (Author)
ID Krivec, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Petak_Urska_i2020.pdf (597,19 KB)
MD5: 176E882AF5AC9A9E15B5C9D5DA289F23
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Specifične učne težave (SUT) pri učencih so v porastu. Otrok s posebnimi potrebami, kamor po opredelitvi Zakona o osnovni šoli (11. člen) spadajo tudi otroci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami, potrebuje jasno in močno podporo staršev oziroma skrbnikov. V procesu pomoči otroku in soočanju s svojimi stiskami starši največkrat ostajajo sami, brez zadostne podpore. V diplomski nalogi smo ugotavljali, kakšna je podpora staršem otrok s SUT. Raziskali smo, kaj bi ti starši potrebovali, da bi lahko bolje podprli svoje otroke in se ob tem bolje soočili s svojim doživljanjem stisk. V teoretičnem uvodu so opisane značilnosti specifičnih učnih težav, njihova opredelitev skozi zgodovino ter njihova umestitev in ureditev s pravnega vidika. Opisana je tudi ureditev in obravnava SUT v Sloveniji ter primerjava s tujino. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava, ki smo jo s pomočjo polstrukturiranih intervjujev opravili med starši otrok s SUT. Ugotovili smo, da podpora staršem sicer obstaja, a je v veliki meri prepuščena v presojo posameznemu strokovnemu oziroma pedagoškemu delavcu. V osebno presojo je prepuščena tudi odločitev za pridobivanje novih znanj s področja specifik otrok pri pedagoških in ostalih strokovnih delavcih. Za nadzor nad usvajanji novih znanj ni odgovoren nihče. Podpora tudi ni enakomerno in enakovredno omogočena vsem staršem otrok s specifičnimi učnimi težavami. Svetovalni centri so prezasedeni, strokovni delavci niso dostopni v vseh regijah. Tako ostaja podpora staršem otrok s specifičnimi učnimi težavami sistemsko slabo podprta, neorganizirana in ni ponujena v enakomerni meri za vse starše.
Keywords:specifične učne težave, primanjkljaji, učenje, oblike podpore, podpora staršem, usmerjanje, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Petak]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:45 str., [25] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8127 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:56496387 New window
Note:Študijski program Psihosocialno svetovanje;
Publication date in ReVIS:13.08.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:Specific learning disabilities of pupils are increasing. According to the Primary School Act (Article 11), children with specific learning disabilities are classified as children with special needs, and they need a firm and strong support of parents or guardians. When helping children and facing their own problems, parents are most frequently left on their own, without sufficient support. This paper tries to determine the support provided to parents of children with specific learning disabilities. We examined what these parents would need to provide more support to their children and endure their hardships more easily. The theoretical introduction describes the characteristics of specific learning disabilities and defines them through a historical overview. Furthermore, it explains their regulation from a legal point of view, describes the regulation and treatment of specific learning disabilities in Slovenia and also compares them with the ones abroad. The empirical part presents a research carried out using semi-structured interviews and conducted among parents of children with specific learning disabilities. We determined that support can be provided to parents, but it is up to professional or pedagogical workers whether this happens or not. Pedagogical and other professional workers are also free to decide whether they want to acquire knowledge in the field of specifics of these children or not. Nobody is responsible for the control of knowledge acquisition. What is more, support is not evenly and equally provided to all parents of children with specific learning disabilities. Counselling centres are overcrowded and professional workers are not available in all regions. Support to parents of children with specific learning disabilities is thus systematically poorly structured, unorganised and unequally provided to the parents.
