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Title:Poslovnik sistema vodenja kakovosti Gospodarske zbornice Dolenjske in Bele Krajine : diplomska naloga
Authors:ID Kordiš, Tomaž (Author)
ID Bukovec, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOŠ - Faculty of Organisation Studies Novo mesto
Abstract:Raziskovalno vprašanje(RV):Ali je možno z izdelavo Poslovnika sistema vodenjakakovosti izboljšati vodenje in poslovanje Gospodarske zbornice Dolenjske in Bele krajine? Namen:Namen raziskovanja je pregled stanja obstoječega sistema vodenja in delovanj azbornice, ki nima vzpostavljenih elementov sistemov vodenja kakovosti in dokumentiranihpostopkov vodenja. Na osnovi pregleda stanja,je potrebnoizdelati Poslovnik sistema vodenja kakovosti, ki je zasnovan na procesnem pristopu in vključuje politiko in cilje kakovosti terjasne odgovornosti z namenom,da se prepozna in določi pričakovanja odjemalcev in drugih zainteresiranih javnosti.Metoda :Preučevana tema je izpeljana z metodo zgodovinskega (historičnega )pregleda literature in drugih virov s področja sistemov vodenja kakovosti, modelov (Six sigma, BSC,EFQM) kakovostiinostalih sistemov vodenja.V nadaljevanju je izveden še pregledtrenutnega stanja vodenja in poslovanja zbornice, ki vključuje tudi pregled vse dokumentacije.V diplomski nalogi je uporabljena še opisna (deskriptivna) metoda,s katero so v Poslovniku dokumentirani ključni elementi sistema vodenja kakovosti, ki omogočajo vzpostavitev sistema vodenja kakovosti po mednarodnem standardu ISO 9001:2008 in izvedbo certificiranja tega sistema.Rezultati:Poslovnik je krovni dokument sistema vodenja kakovosti zbornice in omogoča vsem zaposlenim, da skozi usposabljanje spoznajo Poslovnik in ključne elemente sistema vodenja kakovostipo mednarodnem standardu ISO 9001:2008. Procesni pristop,dokumentirana politika in cilji kakovosti, jasno določene odgovornosti, aktivnosti indokumentacija omogočajo zaposlenim večjo učinkovitost in uspešnost pri rednem delu, prepoznavanju pričakovanj in zahtev odjemalcev ter nenehnem izboljševanju vodenja in poslovanja zbornice.Organizacija: Zbornicaje največje gospodarsko združenje v regiji, ki mora prepoznatipričakovanja in zahteve svojih članovter pri svojem delu upoštevati zakonske zahteve injavnost dela. Povečanje zavedanja pomena svojega dela vodstva in zaposlenih omogoča večjo sinergijo med zbornico in člani.Družba: Vodenje brez sistema ne omogoča nenehnega izboljševanja in zadovoljstvaodjemalcev zato so nujne spremembe takega sistema. Sistem vodenja kakovosti omogoča, da tako zaposleni,kot odjemalci in zainteresirana javnost dobi želene rezultate.Originalnost:Odločitev za izvedbo raziskave ter stanja obstoječega sistema vodenja in poslovanja zborniceje temeljila na lastnih izkušnjah na področju sistemov vodenja in vodenja organizacije. Omejitve/nadaljnje raziskovanje: Raziskava je omejena na Gospodarsko zbornico Dolenjske in Bele krajine. Za izboljšanje zborničnega sistema je možno sistem vodenjavzpostaviti tudi v drugih zbornicah.
Keywords:sistem vodenja kakovosti, vodenje kakovosti, poslovnik, odgovornost, nenehno izboljševanje, procesni pristop, zadovoljstvo odjemalcev
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Place of performance:Novo mesto
Publisher:[T. Kordiš]
Year of publishing:2013
Year of performance:2013
Number of pages:83 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8222 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048217858 New window
Note:Nasl. na ov.: Diplomska naloga študijski program prve stopnje;
Publication date in ReVIS:20.08.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:Research Question (RQ):Is it possible to improve the management and operation of the Chamber ofCommerce of Dolenjska and Bela krajina by producing a Quality Management System Manual?Purpose:The purpose of the research is to examine the existing management and operation system ofthe Chamber, which has yet to establish its elements of a quality management system (QMS) andrecord its management procedures. After the current state of the system is determined, a process-basedQuality Management System Manual will be developed. Itwill include the quality policy and goals, aswell as clear responsibilities, with a view of recognizing and identifying the expectations of thecustomers and other parts of the public concerned.Method:Methods used include the historical overview of theliterature and other sources in the fieldof quality management, quality management frameworks (Six Sigma, BSC, EFQM) and othermanagement systems. Furthermore, a review of the current management and operation of the Chamberhas beencarried out, including an examination of the entire documentation. In addition, the key QMSelementshave beendefined in the Quality Manual using a descriptive method. These elements enablethe creation of a quality management system in compliance with the international standard ISO9001:2008, as well as the certification of the system.Results:The Quality Manual is the umbrella document of the Chamber QMS and enables theemployees to get familiar during the training with the key elements of the qualitymanagement systemin accordance with the international standard ISO 9001:2008. The process approach, the recordedquality policy and goals, clearly defined responsibilities, activities and documentation allow theemployees to be more efficient and successful in carrying out their daily tasks, recognizing thecustomer requirements and expectations and in achieving the continuous improvement of the Chambermanagement and operation.Organization:The Chamber, the biggest business association of the region, hasthe task of identifyingthe expectations and demands of its members, while respecting the legal requirements as well asensuring accountability and transparency. Increasing the management and employees' awareness of the importance of their work enhances the synergy between the Chamber and its members.Society:Since a management that lacks a system does not bring continuous improvement andcustomer satisfaction, it is crucial to modify it. A quality management system enables employees, as well as clientsand the public concerned to achieve the desired results.Originality:The decision for research of the current management and operation system of theChamber has come from personal experience in the fields of quality management systems andorganization management.Limitations/Future Research:The research is limited to theChamber of Commerce of Dolenjskaand Bela krajina. The management system can also be applied to other Chambers in order to better the Chambers of Commerce system.
Keywords:quality management system, management system, quality manual, responsibility, continuos improvement, process approach, customer satisfaction
