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Title:Komunikacija med zaposlenimi v podjetju : diplomska naloga
Authors:ID Kastrevc, Anja (Author)
ID Gorenc Zoran, Annmarie (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOŠ - Faculty of Organisation Studies Novo mesto
Abstract:Raziskovalno vprašanje (RV): Raziskava obravnava komunikacijski odnos med zaposlenimi v podjetju, na kakšen način ti najpogosteje komunicirajo med sabo in kakšen pomen pripisujejo komunikacijskemu odnosu. Namen: Namen je ugotoviti dejansko stanje komuniciranja med zaposlenimi, osnovn e vir e informiranja ter tiste, ki bi si jih zaposleni v prihodnje žele l i za boljš e in uspešnejše komunici ranje med sabo . Metoda: Teoretični del naloge temelji na izbrani literaturi, v empiričnem delu pa želimo ugotoviti , kako se teoretična spoznanja skladajo z dejanskimi . To bomo ugotovili s pomočjo ankete med zaposleni mi v podjetju. Rezultati: Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da zaposleni komunikacijskemu odnosu pripisujejo izredno velik pomen, da je komunikacija med zaposlenimi dobra in da je ustni način komuniciranj a najpogostejši med zaposlenimi. Organizacija: V analiziranem podjetju se komunikacija med zaposlenimi izvaja vsakodnevno. Zavedajo se, da vse boljša komunikacija med zaposlenimi vpliva na večji in boljši pretok pomembnih informacij ter s tem na bolj učinkovito opravljeno delo. Družba: Z motiviranjem zaposlenih, vsakodnevnim komuniciranjem z vsakim posameznikom in s spodbujanjem k razpravi lahko prispevamo k uspešni komunikaciji med zaposlenimi. Pomembno je , da se zaposleni na delovnem mestu razumejo in da jim je omogočeno sodelovanje. Originalnost: Odločitev za raziskavo komunikacijskega odnosa m ed zaposlenimi je bila osebna na osnovi dejanskih izkušenj na delovnem mestu. Komunikacija med zaposlenimi omogoča prenos informacij v podjetju, rešuje in odpravlja nesporazume med njimi in s tem sooblikuje organizacijsko kulturo. Omejitve/nadaljnje razi skovanje: Raziskava je omejena na posamezni sektor v večjem podjetju v jugovzhodnem delu Slovenije.
Keywords:komunikacija, komunikacijski odnos, zaposleni, notranja komunikacija, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Place of performance:Novo mesto
Publisher:[A. Kastrevc]
Year of publishing:2014
Year of performance:2014
Number of pages:IV, 33 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8227 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048229378 New window
Note:Nasl. na ov.: Diplomska naloga študijski program prve stopnje;
Publication date in ReVIS:20.08.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:Research que stion (RQ): The undergraduate diploma thesis discusses communication relationship s among employees in a company, how they communicate with each other and te level of importance employees place on communication relationship s . Purpose: The purpose is to id entify the actual state of communication among employees, basic channels of communication, and to determine those individuals that employees would like to better communicate with in the future. Method: The theoretical part of the thesis reviews current li terature in this area . The empirical part examines how the findings from the review of literature are evident in practice. This was analysed using a survey among employees in one organization. Results: The research results showed that employees value qui te highly the communication relationshi p ; that communication among employees was satisfactory and that verbal communication was the most common ly used form among employees. Organization: In an organization, communication among employees takes place on a daily basis. They are aware that when communication among employees is greater the better the flow of important information and consequently the work performance is more effective. Company: With employee motivation, daily communication with each individu al and encouragement of employees to take part in discussions, we can largely contribute to successful communication among employees. It is important that employees get along in the workplace and that they have the chance to work together. Originality: T he decision for research in communication relationship among employees was personal due to actual experiences at the work place. Communication among employees enables the transfer of information in a company, resolves misunderstandings among employees , and thus co - forms the organizational culture. Limitations /further research: The research is limit ed to an individual sector in a larger company, located in the south - east of Slovenia.
Keywords:communication, communication relationship, employees, internal communication, graduate thesis
