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Title:Poklicna molčečnost in varovanje osebnih podatkov pacienta na področju zdravstvene nege : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega programa prve stopnje "zdravstvena nega"
Authors:ID Terseglav, Katja (Author)
ID Skela-Savič, Brigita (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Terseglav_Katja.pdf.pdf (1,06 MB)
MD5: D424D4D42DEC2C07BE601E863D3A605E
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZAB - Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Poklicna molčečnost in varovanje osebnih podatkov je v današnjem času razvite informacijske tehnologije in amoralnosti tema, ki jo je potrebno raziskovati in na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov predlagati spremembe, ki bi lahko privedle do izboljšav. Cilj: Cilj diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti mnenja in stališča zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi na področju poklicne molčečnosti in varovanja osebnih podatkov pacienta. Zanimalo nas je ali izvajalci zdravstvene nege poznajo zakonodajo in etični kodeks na področju poklicne molčečnosti in varovanja osebnih podatkov, prav tako pa smo želeli ugotoviti ali le-to upoštevajo pri vsakodnevnem delu. Metoda: Raziskava je temeljila na deskriptivni metodi empiričnega raziskovanja. Uporabili smo anketni vprašalnik, ki je bil razdeljen v štiri vsebinske sklope. Zbiranje podatkov smo izvedli v Splošni bolnišnici Jesenice (SBJ) v času od 4. do 11. novembra 2010. Anketirali smo 50,79 % vseh zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi v SBJ. Vrnjenih je bilo 128 anketnih vprašalnikov, realizacija vzorca je bila 80 %. Rezultati so bili računalniško obdelani v statističnem programu SPSS 15.0 ter v programu Microsoft Excel. Rezultati: Največ anketirancev (t.j. 27,3 %) bi, če bi bili sami hospitalizirani, najboljmotilo posredovanje informacij nepooblaščenim oziroma pogovor med zaposlenimi. Da izdajo poklicne skrivnosti (molčečnosti) kazenski zakonik inkriminira kot kaznivo dejanje se strinja 90,6 % anketirancev in izkazalo se je, da obstaja statistično pomembna razlika v strinjanju med različnimi starostnimi skupinami (p=0,008), saj so anketiranci v starostni skupini 31 - 40 let izrazili večje strinjanje (4,8 0,4) kot starostne skupine 20 - 30 let(4,6 0,7) in 41 let in več (4,2 1,1). Odstotek anketirancev, ki je ocenilo, da ne bi kršilo poklicne molčečnosti je 80,3 %, izkazalo pa se je, daobstaja statistično pomembna razlika med skupinami glede na delovno dobo (p=0,024), saj so anketiranci z delovno dobo 11 - 20 let izrazili večje nestrinjanje s trditvijo, da bi pacientkino skrivnost povedali nekomu iz tima (1,3 0,7), kot tisti z delovno dobo 21 let ali več (1,7 0,8), ali tisti, zdelovno dobo 0 - 10 let (1,9 1,1). Anketiranci s srednješolsko izobrazbo sopokazali statistično pomembno večje strinjanje (3,2 1,3) od tistih z visokošolsko (2,6 1,3), da imajo možnost zagotoviti zasebnost ob sporočanju slabe novice pacientu (p= 0,032). Zakonodajo s področja poklicne molčečnosti in varovanja osebnih podatkov pacienta je ocenilo, da pozna 73,4 % anketirancev. Le 17,2 % anketirancev ve, kdo lahko odreši medicinsko sestro dolžnosti varovanja poklicne skrivnosti. To, da ima zakon prednost pred etičnim načelom, meni 55,8 % anketiranih. Kar 78,6 % anketirancev ve, kdaj se medicinska sestra moralno ni dolžna držati poklicne molčečnosti, 73,5 % pa jih ve, kdo obravnava kršitve Kodeksa etike medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije. Razprava: Anketiranci menijo, da ne kršijo III. načela Kodeksa etike medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije oziroma da ustrezno postopajo glede varovanja osebnih podatkov. Podobno menijo tudi za svoje sodelavce, a so nekoliko manj gotovi. Dobro se zavedajo, kaj bi jih motilo, če bi bili sami v vlogi pacienta in tudi navajajo veliko kršitev. Pri tem nismo ugotavljali statistično pomembnih razlik glede izobrazbe, kar pripisujemo dejstvu, da gre pri tem predvsem za moralno držo, ki ni toliko povezana z le-to. Anketiranci so pokazali dokaj slabo znanje pri poznavanju zakonodaje, kar je verjetno posledica pomanjkljive izobrazbe in tudi premajhne stopnje zavedanja pomembnosti tega znanja. Dokaj dobro pa poznajo Kodeks etike medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije. Izobrazba statistično pomembno vpliva na zavedanje glede ovir pri zagotavljanju zasebnosti. Ker postajata poklicna molčečnost in varovanje pacientovih pravic danes vedno bolj pomembna in ker težimo k vedno večji strokovnosti, bo to področje v prihodnje potrebno bolj vključiti v izobraževanje. Ključne besede:poklicna molčečnost, osebni podatek, etični kodeks, zakonodaja, pravica do zasebnosti, zdravstvena nega.
Place of publishing:Jesenice
Place of performance:Jesenice
Publisher:[K. Terseglav]
Year of publishing:2011
Year of performance:2011
Number of pages:51 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-823 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:66681857 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:19.02.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:Introduction: Professional discretion and protection of data privacy is an important issue in today's world, marked by rapid development of information technology and amorality, and must therefore be constantly put under research in order to obtain results which would help us to implement changes leading to improvement. Aims: The purpose of this diploma research was to explore the opinion of nursing staff about professional discretion and protection of patients' data privacy. We wanted to determine, how familiar they are with legislation from this field and with the code of ethics, and if they incorporate this knowledge in their daily work. Methods: The research was based on the descriptive method of empirical research. A questionnaire consisting of four sections was used. The data collection was done in Jesenice general hospital in the time period from 4th to 11th of November 2010.50,79 % of nursing staff members were questioned. 128 questionnaires were returned, making the sample realization to be 80 %. The results were computerised and statistically processed using SPSS 15.0 and Microsoft Excel. Results: Most of the respondents (i.e. 27,3 %) would, if themselves were hospitalized, be foremost bothered by giving information to non authorised people or talk between nursing staff respectively. 90,6 % of respondents agree that violation of a professional secret is incriminated as aculpable act by the penal code, and there was a statistically significant difference between different age groups (p=0,008): the level of agreement in the group from 31 to 40 years of age was higher (4,8 0,4) than in the group from 20 to 30 years of age (4,6 0,7) or 41 years of age and more respectively (4,2 1,1). 80,3 % of respondents estimate they would not violate professional secrecy; a statistically significant difference was discovered between groups with different working period (p=0,024): the level of disagreement to the statement, that they would give away the patient's secret to someone from the nursing team, was higher in the group with working period from 11 to 20 years (1,3 0,7) than in the group with working period of 21 years and more (1,7 0,8) or 0 to 10 years respectively (1,9 1,1). The level of agreement to the statement, that they can ensure privacy when braking bad news to patients, was statistically significantly higher (p= 0,032) among respondents with only secondary education (3,2 1,3) than among those with graduate level education (2,6 1,3). 73,4 % of respondents estimate they are familiar with legislation from the field of professional discretion in protection of patients' data privacy. Only 17,2 % of respondentsknow, who can release a nurse of professional discretion. 55,8 % ofrespondents think, law is above ethic principles. 78,6 % of respondents know, when a nurse is not morally bound to professional discretion, and 73,5 %know, who is competent to deal with violation of the Slovenian code of ethicsfor nurses. Discussion: The respondents think they do not violate the III. principle of the Slovenian code of ethics for nurses and that their actions considering professional discretion are appropriate. They have a similar opinion of their colleagues, but are not so convinced. They are well aware what would bother them if they them selves were in the role of a patient,enumerating various violations. No regarding education were discovered, which can be applied to the fact, that this is more a question of moral quality than acquired knowledge. Respondents lack knowledge in legislation, probably because they were not given sufficient education and arenot fully aware of its importance. They showed reasonably good knowledge ofthe Slovenian code of ethics for nurses. Education is statistically significant when it comes to anticipating obstacles in maintaining patients' privacy. Because of the growing importance of professional discretion and protecting patients' rights and in order to achieve higher level of professionalism, in future this field should be more incorporated in professional training and education.
