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Title:Motivacija in komunikacija zaposlenih v trgovskem podjetju : diplomska naloga
Authors:ID Kastelic, Zlata (Author)
ID Gorenc Zoran, Annmarie (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOŠ - Faculty of Organisation Studies Novo mesto
Abstract:Raziskovalno vprašanje (RV) : Raziskava obravnava vprašanje, kako so zaposleni motivirani za medsebojno komuniciranje in prenos informacij, ki so potrebne za nemoteno delovanje delovnih procesov. Postavlja se tudi vprašanje , kak šen je vpliv nagrad na motiviranost zaposlenih v organizaciji. Namen : Namen diplomske naloge je bil u gotoviti povezavo med motivacijo in komuniciranjem zaposlenih v organizaciji. Ugotoviti , kak šen je vpliv nagrajevan ja zaposlenih na pozitivno motiviranje in uspešno komuniciranje ter to povezati z učinkovitim doseganj e m zas tavljenih ciljev organizacije. Metoda: D iplomsk a nalog a je bila iz peljana z metodo ankete. Uporabili smo vprašalnik z Likertovo ocenjevalno lestvico in raziskovali percepcij o motivacije s komuniciranjem zaposlenih v organizaciji. V anketo so bili vključeni zaposleni v trgovskem podjetju. Rezultati: Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da komunikacija zaposlenih vpliva na motivacijo zaposlenih v trgovskem podjetju. Iz rezultatov je razvidno, da ustrezna komunikacija povečuje delovno motivacijo in da so zaposleni v trgovskem podjetju zadovoljni s komunikacijo na delovnem mestu. Organizacija: Za vsako uspešno organizacijo je pomembna komunikacija med zaposlenimi. Tudi v trgovskem podjetju se zavedajo, da brez ustrezne motivacije za komuniciranje podjetje ne m ore uspešno poslovati. Raziskava je pokazala, da v trgovskem podjetju ustrezna komunikacija povečuje delovno motivacijo, vendar bi bilo, za boljše rezultate, potrebno anketo izvajati sistematično, saj bi le tako lahko dolgoročno ugotovili napredek in izboljšav e. Družba: Vzpostavljanje komunikacije je v trgovskem podjetju zelo pomembno, saj komunikacija poteka tako med sodelavci kot med kupci, ki pripomorejo k uspešnosti trgovskega podjetja. Originalnost: Cilj diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti povezavo med motiv acijo in komuniciranjem zaposlenih v trgovskem podjetju. Z raziskavo smo poskušali ugotoviti pomanjkljivosti komuniciranja ter poiskati ustrezne rešitve. Omejitve/nadaljnje raziskovanje : Raziskava je bila omejena le na zaposlene v trgovskem podjetju. Da bi lahko določil i ustrezno motivacijo in komunikacijo med zaposlenimi, bi bilo potrebno raziskavo razširiti še na kupce.
Keywords:komuniciranje, motivacija, motiviranje, nagrajevanje, zaposleni
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Place of performance:Novo mesto
Publisher:[ Z. Kastelic]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:V, 54 str., [4] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8241 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048277250 New window
Note:Nasl. na ov.: Diplomska naloga študijski program prve stopnje;
Publication date in ReVIS:20.08.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:Research question (RQ): The research deals with the question of how employees are motivated for mutual communication and transfer of information needed for smooth functioning of work processes. Another question is how much awards affect motivation of employees in the organization. Purpose: The purpose of the undergraduate diploma thesis was to determine the connection between motivation and communication of employees in the organization. What is the influence of remuneration on positive motivation and successful communication and how this is connected with eff ective achievement of goals set in the organization? Method: The undergraduate diploma thesis was carried out by a Likert - type s cale to study perception of motivation with communication of employees in the organization. E mployees of the sales organization were part of the research study. Results: The results show that employees' communication has an influence on motivation of employees in the sales organization . Furthermore, the results show that suitable communication increases working motivation and that employees are satisfied with communication at their workplace. Organization: Communication among employees is vital for a successful organization. The employees of the sales organization were aware of the fact that their company cannot be successful with out proper motivation for communication. Th is research study shows that proper communication increases working motivation in the organization, but the questionnaire should be carried out systematically to determine progress and improvement on a longitudina l basis. Society: Establishing communication in a sales organization is very important because communication happens among colleagues as well as among buyers who contribute to the success of the business. Originality: The goal of the undergraduate diploma thesis was to determine the connection between motivation and communication of the employees in a sales organization . The research was carried out to define weaknesses of communication to suggest appropriate explanations . Limitations/further research: The research was limited only to employees of a sales organization . To determine suitable motivation and communication among employees the research study should be expanded to buyers as well.
Keywords:communication, motivation, motivating, remuneration, employees
