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Title:Sistem vodenja kakovosti v malem podjetju : diplomska naloga
Authors:ID Andreja, Bakšič Grozdina (Author)
ID Žurga, Gordana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOŠ - Faculty of Organisation Studies Novo mesto
Abstract:Raziskovalno vprašanje (RV): Kot raziskovalno vprašanje sem v diplomski nalogi izpostavila, kako vpeljati ISO standard v malo podj etje. Namen: Namen diplomske naloge je, da se seznanim z doma č imi in tujimi teoreti č nimi izhodiš č i standarda 9001. Prav tako je namen, da se seznani m in preu č im proizvodni proces v malem podjetju Grozdina sen č ila, Darko Grozdina, s. p., ki se pripravlja na vpe ljavo standarda ISO 9000. Metoda: Pri teoreti č nih izhodiš č ih sem raziskovala s pomo č jo doma č e in tuje literature ter z drugimi dostopnimi viri, kjer sem predstavila teori jo o standardih in kakovosti. V empiri č nem delu sem s pomo č jo kombiniranih metod, s študijo dokumentacije in s odelovanjem pri proizvodnem procesu ter s pomo č jo standarda ISO 9001: 2008, pridobivala podatke za pripravo podjetja na vpeljavo standarda. Rezultati: Prakti č no ponazorjen sistem vpeljave ISO standarda, s poud arkom na obvladovanju proizvodnega podro č ja. Organizacija: Z raziskavo organizacija pridobi na izboljšanju ka kovosti in urejenosti ter preglednosti poslovanja na vseh podro č jih delovanja organizacije. To je pomembno, saj si s tem organizacija zagotovi vpliv na doseganje ve č je prodaje in s tem boljšo finan č no stabilnost. Kot pomemben vpliv je potrebno poudarit i tudi to, da so bolj jasno opredeljene pristojnosti in odgovornosti v organizaciji, vodstv o ima boljši nadzor in s tem se vpliva tudi na izboljšanje notranje komunikacije. Družba: Vpliv na družbo se kaže v zvestobi obstoje č ih kupcev ter dostopu do novih trgov. Originalnost: Z vpeljevanjem sistema vodenja kakovosti se bo pod jetje sre č alo z novim podro č jem urejevanja organizacije, saj doslej še ni delov alo v tej smeri.. Omejitve/nadaljnje raziskovanje: Kot omejitev bi izpostavila, da sem se osredoto č ila samo na proizvodni del podjetja in s tem posledi č no na predstavitev dveh delovnih procesov. S tem sem sprožila dejanski za č etek projekta vpeljave sistema vodenja kakovosti. Z a nadaljnje raziskovanje je potrebno, da podjetje nadaljuje s p rojektom vzpostavitve sistema vodenja kakovosti.
Keywords:kakovost, proizvodni proces, organizacija, standard ISO 9001, standardizacija, certifikacija, sistem vodenja kakovosti, malo podjetje
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Place of performance:Novo mesto
Publisher:[A. Bakšič Grozdina]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:IV, 47 str., 11, 10 str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8245 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048280834 New window
Note:Nasl. na ov.: Diplomska naloga študijski program prve stopnje;
Publication date in ReVIS:20.08.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:Research Question (RQ): As a research question in this thesis I have shown how to introduce the ISO standard into a small business. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to become acquainted with domestic and foreign theoretical assumptions of the standard 9001. I als o want to familiarize and study the production process in the small company Grozdina sh ading systems, Darko Grozdina, s.p., which is preparing for the introduction of ISO 9000 . Method: I researched the theoretical perspectives with the help of domestic and foreign literature and other available sources, where I pre sented a theory about standards and quality. In the empirical part I have, with the help of the combined methods with documentation study and participation in the production process as well as with help of standard ISO 9001: 2008, collected data for the preparation of the company t o introduce the standard. Results: A practical illustrated system of ISO standards in troduction with an emphasis on the management of the production areas. Organization: With the research, the organization has gained an improvement in the quality, tidiness and transparency of operation in all areas of the organization activities. This is important as with this organization an influence on increased sales and better financial stability has been attained. As an important influe nce it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the powers and responsibilities within the organiza tion are defined more clearly, the management has better control of what impacts the i mprovement of the internal communication. Society: The impact on society is reflected in the loyalty of the existing customers and access to new markets. Originality: By introducing a quality management system the com pany will be faced with the new scope of editing the organization as the compan y didn%t have an implemented quality management system. Limitations/Future Research: As a limitation I would point out that I only focu sed on the production part of the company and consequently the presentation of only two working processes within the company. With this, I launched the actual start of the project of quality management system implementation. For further resea rch it is necessary that the company continues the project of establishing a quality man agement system.
Keywords:quality, manufacturing process, organization, standard ISO 9001, standardization, certification, quality management system, small business
