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Authors:ID Zaklan, Ivana (Author)
ID Georgiev, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 889$$ivana_zaklan_dn_15_9_2021.pdf (726,99 KB)
MD5: 66EDB33C0076C79517E1359138E6E79B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Multipla skleroza je kronična avtoimunska bolezen osrednjega živčevja. Za to bolezen največkrat zbolijo ljudje v aktivni dobi življenja, med 20. in 40. letom starosti. Pacienti so največkrat zaskrbljeni, da se bo s postavitvijo diagnoze njihova kakovost življenja zmanjšala. Namen naše diplomske naloge je bil raziskati vpliv fizioterapije pri rehabilitaciji oseb z MS in ugotoviti, kako le-ta vpliva na telesno zmogljivost in kakovost življenja. Cilj naše diplomske nalog je bil, da opišemo potek MS in opredelimo težave, ki se pojavljajo pri osebah ob nastanku MS, kar smo opredelili in analizirali v teoretičnem delu naloge. Nato smo predstavili načine zdravljenja in rehabilitacije MS. Na koncu smo še s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika skušali ugotoviti, kako fizioterapija vpliva na učinkovitost zdravljenja oseb z MS in kako z njo izboljšamo kakovost življenja bolnikov. Pri tem smo zastavili hipotezo, da fizioterapija izboljšuje telesno zmogljivost oseb z MS in njihovo kakovost življenja. Pridobljene podatke smo pridobili dobili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Z raziskavo smo dokazali, da fizioterapevtski postopki vplivajo na izboljšanje telesne zmogljivosti anketirancev, saj velika večina anketirancev (92 od 153) oz. 60 % meni, da jih občutno izboljšajo. Pri tem jim od fizioterapevtskih metod in tehnik najbolj koristijo: tehnike za raztezanje mišic, sledijo metode in tehnike za vzdrževanje in izboljšanje gibljivosti sklepov (npr. nagibne mize, oporna stojala, blazine in pasovi), ortotski pripomočki (opornice, bergle, hodulje), funkcionalno električno draženje in hidroterapija. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako so anketiranci zadovoljni z rehabilitacijo v rehabilitacijskih centrih, kamor so napoteni. Velika večina anketirancev 124 (81 %) je odgovorila, da so zadovoljni in samo 10 (7 %) so nezadovoljni. Kot predlog izboljšav lahko povzamemo, da si anketiranci želijo izboljšanje kakovosti fizioterapevtskih postopkov (bolj oseben pristop do potreb posameznika, isti fizioterapevt, izmenjava različnih terapij, več nadzora pri pravilnem izvajanju vaj, z možnostjo lažje in težje različice vaje, več telovadbe, izboljšanje mišične moči in podaljšanje časa fizioterapije).
Keywords:multipla skleroza, fizioterapija, rehabilitacija in kakovost življenja.
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8360 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:79434499 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:30.09.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease. The disease most often affects people in the active age, between 20 and 40 years of age. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the impact of physiotherapy in the rehabilitation of people with MS and to determine how it affects physical performance and quality of life. The aim of the thesis was to describe the course of MS and to define the problems that occur in persons at the onset of MS, which we defined and analyzed in the theoretical part of the thesis. We then presented ways to treat and rehabilitate MS. Finally, with the help of a questionnaire, we tried to find out how physiotherapy affects the effectiveness of treatment of people with MS and how it improves the quality of life of patients. In doing so, we hypothesized that physiotherapy improves the physical performance of people with MS and their quality of life. The results showed that physiotherapy procedures improve the physical performance, as the vast majority of responders (92 out of 153) otherwise 60 % believe that they significantly improve. Of the physiotherapeutic methods and techniques, they benefit the most of muscle stretching techniques, followed by methods and techniques for maintaining and improving joint mobility (e. g. tilt tables, support stands, pillows and belts), orthotic aids (e. g. splints, crutches, stilts), functional electrical stimulation and hydrotherapy We were also interested in how satisfied the respondents are with the rehabilitation in the rehabilitation centers where they are referred. The vast majority of respondents 124 (81 %) answered that they are satisfied and only 10 responded that they are not satisfied. As a proposal for improvement, the responders want to improve the quality of physiotherapy procedures (more personal approach to the needs of the individual, being treated by the same physiotherapist, use of different therapies, more control over the correct implementation of exercises, with the possibility of easier and more difficult version of exercise, more exercise, improvement of muscle strength, and prolongation of physiotherapy time).
Keywords:multiple sclerosis, physiotherapy, rehabilitation and quality of life.
