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Authors:ID Ramovš, Tamara (Author)
ID Omejec, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 1017$$tamara_ramovs,_diplomska_11.11.2021.pdf (705,32 KB)
MD5: EEFA17E7A7687D69956CB73E475096B2
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Za enega od pomembnih zdravstveni, socialni in družbeno–ekonomski problem se je izkazala možganska kap. Ta v Sloveniji prizadene kar 10 ljudi dnevno, kar predstavlja 4000 ljudi letno. Pogostost možganska kap (MK) se s staranjem prebivalstva povečuje, s tem pa tudi potreba po rehabilitacijski obravnavi. Kljub razvoju medicine predstavlja MK pogost vzrok umrljivosti ter najpomembnejši vzrok zmanjšanja telesnih funkcij. Okrevanje po MK je dolgotrajno. Najhitreje poteka v prvih 3 mesecih, traja pa lahko tudi več let. Odvisno je predvsem od velikosti in mesta možganske okvare. Ena najpogostejših posledic MK so zmanjšane gibalne sposobnosti. Izboljšamo jih lahko z redno, intenzivno in dolgotrajno fizioterapevtsko obravnavo. Ta je naporna tako za paciente kot terapevte, težava pa je tudi v premajhnem številu fizioterapevtov. Za eno od učinkovitih rešitev se je izkazala rehabilitacija z roboti. Ti se namreč ne utrudijo in so v veliko pomoč pri vadbi. Glede na primerjavo robotsko asistirane rehabilitacije s konvencionalno rehabilitacijo smo ugotovili, da je robotsko asistirana rehabilitacija primerljivo učinkovita s konvencionalno rehabilitacijo, v nekaterih primerih celo učinkovitejša. Zaključili smo, da je robotsko asistirana rehabilitacija učinkovita metoda pri pacientih po MK, zlasti pri tistih, ki so utrpeli izrazitejše okvare. Seveda pa ima tudi robotika svoje slabosti. To sta težja dostopnost tehnologije in visok investicijski strošek. Opozoriti je potrebno, da imajo raziskave zmerno do nizko kakovost dokazov; predvsem zaradi heterogenosti vzorcev preiskovancev ter uporabe nestandardiziranih metod obravnave je primerjava rezultatov močno otežena. V prihodnje svetujemo izvedbo visokokakovostnih randomiziranih raziskav o produktivnosti, učinkovitosti ter o ekonomskih stroških robotsko asistirane rehabilitacije.
Keywords:možganska kap, rehabilitacija, robotika, fizioterapevt
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8547 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:92231171 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:14.12.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The role of robotics in physical therapy treatment of stroke patient
Abstract:Stroke is an important health, social and economic problem. In Slovenia 10 people are affected with the problem on a daily basis, which represents about 4000 people on an annual basis. The frequency of the problem is growing worse with the growing age of the population, which consequently affects the increasing need for the rehabilitation treatment. Despite of progress in medicine, stroke represents a common cause of deaths and the most important reason for reduced body functions. The recovery after stroke takes a long time. The best effects are notified in the first three months, but the process can take many years. It mostly depends on how serious the brain damage was and which part of the brain was affected. Reduced physical ability is one of the most common consequences of the stroke. It can be improved with regular intensive long- term therapy which can be challenging for the patients as well as the therapists. Insufficient number of therapists also represents a serious problem. Rehabilitation with robots has proved to be one of the most effective solutions. They do not get tired and are proved to be of a huge help when exercising. When comparing robotic assisted rehabilitation with the conventional one we determined that robotic assisted rehabilitation is comparably efficient with conventional rehabilitation, in some cases even more efficient. We concluded that robotic assisted rehabilitation is an efficient way for the patients after stroke, especially the ones who endured serious effects. Of course, there are some disadvantages of robotics such as high investment costs and difficulties with accessibility to technology. It is necessary to state that the studies present moderate to low quality of evidence mostly due to heterogeneity of subjects’ samples and the use of non-standardized treatment methods, so the comparability is severely aggravated. In the future we advise conduction of high-quality randomized research about productivity, efficiency and economical costs of robotic assisted rehabilitation.
Keywords:stroke, rehabilitation, robotics, physiotherapist
