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Title:Sustainable retrofitting measures with emphasis on energy efficiency of the residential sector in Pristina : doktorska disertacija
Authors:ID Konjusha, Elmi (Author)
ID Kristl, Živa (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DR_Konjusha_Elmi_i2021.pdf (7,35 MB)
MD5: DF46B7AAAB594E35EEF96CE89090E1E0
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:More than 20 years after the war, in Kosovo environmental degradation is increasing at an unprecedented rate. A large share of emissions that negatively influence the Kosovo environment is due to the outdated energy systems and inefficient buildings. A large potential for energy reduction is identified in the existing multistorey residential buildings, especially in urban centers, since most of them were built before 1999 and are not well maintained. The thesis focuses on potentials of those buildings with the goal of approaching the retrofitting process in a holistic manner. The holistic approach includes three sustainability pillars (environment, economy, socio-cultural aspects) and horizontal aspects, above all technical and process quality. From environmental perspective, the proposed dissertation deals with the energy efficiency in terms of using thermal energy more efficiently in the Pristina district buildings. The less energy those buildings use, less pollution (greenhouse gasses etc.) will be released into the air. From economic perspective, the focus is on the costs (operation, maintenance, repair costs and replacement costs). From socio-cultural aspects, the focus is on residents’ indoor comfort and well-being. Technical aspects focus on the quality of the installed building elements, like windows and heating system, and on their performance. Process quality is focused on the methodology that would enable multyfactor analyses and holistic approach to retrofitting, as well as the possibility to introduce features to improve control and manage energy consumption in buildings. A thorough survey in several multistorey residential buildings in Pristina, carried out in the form of questionnaires and energy audits, reveal several common quality and efficiency problems like insufficient thermal comfort, high energy use and high running costs. The proposed methodology for holistic approach toward energy retrofitting of apartment blocks focuses on these and other issues. It is tested on three realistic cases in Pristina, built before the year 1999. Several measures are proposed to show the potential for increasing the level of apartments’ efficiency and quality.
Keywords:prihranki, ogrevanje, energija, stavbe, kakovost zraka
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Konjusha]
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:XVIII, 233 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8591 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:91474947 New window
Note:Doktorska disertacija 3. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:04.01.2022
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Secondary language

Abstract:Več kot 20 let po vojni se na Kosovu degradacija okolja narašča z izjemno hitrostjo. Velik delež emisij, ki negativno vplivajo na kosovsko okolje, je posledica zastarelih energetskih sistemov in neučinkovitih stavb. Velik potencial za zmanjšanje energije je ugotovljen v obstoječih večnadstropnih stanovanjskih stavbah, zlasti v mestnih središčih, saj je bila večina zgrajenih pred letom 1999 in niso dobro vzdrževane. Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na potenciale teh stavb s ciljem, da se celovito lotevamo postopka prenove. Celovit pristop vključuje tri stebre trajnosti (okolje, gospodarstvo, družbeno-kulturni vidiki) in horizontalne vidike, predvsem tehnične in procesne kakovosti. Z okoljskega vidika predlagana disertacija obravnava energetsko učinkovitost z vidika učinkovitejše rabe toplotne energije v stavbah okrožja Priština. Manj energije kot te stavbe porabijo, manj onesnaženja (toplogredni plini itd.) Se bo sprostilo v zrak. Z ekonomskega vidika je poudarek na stroških (obratovanje, vzdrževanje, stroški popravil in stroški zamenjave). Z družbeno-kulturnega vidika je poudarek na udobju in dobrem počutju prebivalcev. Tehnični vidiki se osredotočajo na kakovost vgrajenih gradbenih elementov, kot so okna in ogrevalni sistem, ter na njihovo delovanje. Kakovost postopka je osredotočena na metodologijo, ki bi omogočila večfaktorske analize in celostni pristop k naknadni opremljenosti ter možnost uvedbe funkcij za izboljšanje nadzora in upravljanja porabe energije v stavbah. Temeljita raziskava v večnadstropnih stanovanjskih stavbah v Prištini, izvedena v obliki vprašalnikov in energetskih pregledov, razkriva več skupnih težav s kakovostjo in učinkovitostjo, kot so nezadostno toplotno udobje, velika poraba energije in visoki obratovalni stroški. Predlagana metodologija za celostni pristop k energetski prenovi stanovanjskih blokov se osredotoča na ta in druga vprašanja. Preizkušen je na treh realnih primerih v Prištini, zgrajenih pred letom 1999. Predlagano je več ukrepov, ki kažejo potencial za povečanje stopnje učinkovitosti in kakovosti stanovanj.
