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Title:The Southern African Development Community (SADC) diplomatic conflict management response for enhancing human security : the case of Mozambique.
Authors:ID Kgosi, Seabelo Isaac (Author)
ID Ruppel, Oliver C. (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DR_Kgosi_Seabelo_Isaac_i2020.pdf (3,02 MB)
MD5: 41EA5AEF81005EE6A9793B4FE4E92F2A
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:The focus of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the SADC diplomatic conflict management response mechanism for enhancing human security with specific reference to Mozambique between the years 2013 to 2017. The topic of the study aligns the research towards different diplomatic activities and legal matters, it employs a descriptive, desktop qualitative case study approach in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data on the SADC diplomatic conflict management response mechanism for enhancing human security in Mozambique. The study further evaluated the efficacy of SADC’s Organ on Politics, Defence and Security (OPDS) as a conflict prevention, mediation and resolution mechanism in any conflict that may arise in the Southern African region. The findings of the study are that SADC conflict prevention, mediation and resolution efforts are ineffective due to; a decision-making structure which promotes political patronage and sovereign interest over evidence based conflict resolution; weak mandate of the Secretariat whose role is to coordinate and implement the decisions of Summit and Council as opposed to initiating programs and initiatives that are binding on Member States; weak funding to the SADC Secretariat as a whole and conflict prevention, mediation and resolution in particular and SADC’s poor coordination with the AU and UN on conflict management. The study recommends that SADC Secretariat be restructured and turned into a Commission whose initiatives and programs should be binding on Member States. This will remove political patronage and bias and usher in independence and objectivity in decision-making, including in conflict prevention, mediation and resolution.
Keywords:Mozambik, SADC, mehanizem za upravljanje konfliktov, učinkovitost, prestrukturiranje
Place of publishing:Kranj
Place of performance:Kranj
Publisher:[S. I. Kgosi]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:XVIII, 313 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8592 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:91477763 New window
Note:Doktorska disertacija 3. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:04.01.2022
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Secondary language

Abstract:Namen te študije je bil proučiti učinkovitost SADC mehanizma za odzivanje in upravljanje diplomatskih konfliktov okoli izboljšanja človekove varnosti, s posebnim poudarkom na Mozambiku med letoma 2013 in 2017. Tema študije povezuje raziskave z različnimi diplomatskimi dejavnostmi in pravnimi zadevami. Za zbiranje, analizo in razlago podatkov o mehanizmu odzivanja diplomatskega upravljanja konfliktov SADC za povečanje človekove varnosti v Mozambiku uporablja opisni, desk-research in kvalitativni pristop študije primerov. Študija je nadalje ocenila učinkovitost organa SADC za politiko, obrambo in varnost (OPDS), kot mehanizma preprečevanja, posredovanja in reševanja vsakega konflikta, ki lahko nastane v južnoafriški regiji. Ugotovitve študije so, da prizadevanja za preprečevanje, posredovanje in reševanje konfliktov SADC niso učinkovita iz naslednjih razlogov: struktura odločanja, ki podpira politično pokroviteljstvo in suveren interes na račun reševanja konfliktov na dokazih; šibek mandat Sekretariata, katerega vloga je usklajevanje in izvajanje sklepov Vrha in Sveta, v nasprotju s sprožanjem programov in pobud, ki so zavezujoče za države članice; šibko financiranje Sekretariata SADC kot celote in zlasti na področju preprečevanja konfliktov, posredovanja in reševanja ter slaba koordinacija SADC z AU in ZN pri upravljanju konfliktov. Študija priporoča, da se Sekretariat SADC prestrukturira in spremeni v Komisijo, katere pobude in programi bi morali biti zavezujoči za države članice. To bo odstranilo politično pokroviteljstvo in pristranskost ter spodbudilo neodvisnost in objektivnost pri odločanju, vključno v preprečevanju konfliktov, posredovanju in reševanju.
