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Title:Določitev preživnine, zvišanje/znižanje preživnine : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Trivunović, Gordana (Author)
ID Ahlin Doljak, Sara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Trivunovic_Gordana_i2021.pdf (395,37 KB)
MD5: C2BFEA23E30935B7E364AECE4199E8B1
Work type:Final reflection paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:V družini ima vsak subjekt svoje pravice in dolžnosti, ki jih mora uresničevati na podlagi zakona ali pa dogovora. V diplomski nalogi bo predstavljen eden izmed temeljnih institutov družinskega prava, ki je urejen z Družinskim zakonikom. Osredotočili se bomo na dolžnost preživljanja otrok, saj so ti najbolj ranljiva skupina družbe, ki ne morejo poskrbeti sami zase, zato morajo starši poskrbeti za uresničevanje njihovega fizičnega in socialnega razvoja preko instituta preživnine. Dolžnost preživljanja otrok je poleg starša, ki živi z otrokom v življenjski skupnosti, dolžen izpolnjevati tudi starš, ki mu ni dodeljena skrb za otroka, saj odpoved pravici do skrbi in stikov z otrokom, ne izključuje dolžnosti posameznika za preživljanje. Upravičenci do preživnine so poleg otrok tudi zakonski in zunajzakonski partnerji ter nepriskrbljeni starši. S pomočjo različnih metod raziskovanja (analitično, komparativno ter deskriptivno metodo razlage) bomo skušali razložiti nekatere specifične značilnosti instituta na podlagi zakonskih določb ter sodne prakse. Namen diplomske naloge je prikazati, kako se določi preživnina, kaj vse vpliva na višino preživnine ter katere pravno relevantne okoliščine vplivajo na njeno spremembo. Preživnina se lahko uresničuje na več načinov, in sicer v obliki denarnega zneska ali kako drugače, pomembno je, da je to v korist upravičenca, v konkretnem primeru, otroka. Nazadnje bomo ugotavljali tudi, kdo so upravičenci do povračila stroškov za preživljanje. Cilj diplomske naloge je, s pomočjo zakona in sodne prakse prikazati sam proces določanja preživnine ter vpliv okoliščin na zvišanje oziroma znižanje preživnine
Keywords:preživnina, obveznost preživljanja, določitev preživnine, zvišanje/znižanje preživnine, povračilo stroškov preživljanja
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:[G. Trivunović]
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (44 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8618 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:92578819 New window
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 8. 1. 2022;
Publication date in ReVIS:10.01.2022
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the family, each subject has its own rights and duties, which must be achieved based on law or agreement. The diploma thesis will present one of the fundamental institutes of family law, which is regulated by the Family Code of Slovenian law. We will focus on the obligation of supporting children, as they are the most vulnerable group in society, unable to take care of themselves, so parents must take care of their physical and social development through the institution of financial support. In addition to the parent living with the child, the parent who is not assigned child custody is also obliged to fulfill the duty to support the child, as waiving the right to care and contact with the child does not exclude the individual's duty to support. In addition to children, the beneficiaries of financial support are also married and unmarried partners and dependent parents. With the help of various research methods (analytical, comparative, and descriptive method of interpretation), we will try to explain some specific characteristics of the institute based on legal provisions and case law. The purpose of the diploma thesis is to show how the financial support is determined, what affects the amount of it, and what legally relevant circumstances affect it. The support can be determined in several ways, namely, in the form of a sum of money or in some other way, this must be in favor of the beneficiary in the specific case of the child. Lastly, we will also find out who is entitled to reimbursement of support expenses. The diploma thesis aims to use the law and court practice to show the process of determining maintenance and the impact of circumstances for the increase or decrease of financial support
