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Title:Model gradnikov učinkovitega usmerjanja dijakov z uporabo čustvene inteligence, teorije izbire, čuječnosti in kompetenc : doktorska disertacija
Authors:ID Bahat Vovk, Biljana (Author)
ID Ovsenik, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Lipič, Nikolaj (Comentor)
Files:.pdf RAZ_Bahat_Vovk_Biljana_i2021.pdf (2,62 MB)
MD5: FF4E50CB6892520826874492C4170E14
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FOŠ - Faculty of Organisation Studies Novo mesto
Abstract:Raziskovalno vprašanje (RV): Raziskovalno vprašanje, ki smo ga izoblikovali na temelju različnih znanstvenih spoznanj, kot so čustvena inteligenca, čuječnost, teorija izbire in kompetence, proučujemo na podlagi dognanj, ki so vplivni gradniki modela učinkovitega usmerjanja dijakov z uporabo čustvene inteligence, čuječnosti, teorije izbire in učiteljevih kompetenc. Gradnike raziskujemo preko procesa samospoznavanja in samovrednotenja učiteljevega dela, kajti vsaka sprememba in vsak učni proces poteka po majhnih korakih spoznanj o sebi, miselnih procesih ter procesih sooblikovanja in soustvarjanja skupnega družbenega okolja in organizacij. Namen: Temeljni namen doktorske disertacije je izdelati izvirni model gradnikov učinkovitega usmerjanja dijakov z različno uporabo teorij in znanj s področja čustvene inteligence, teorije izbire, čuječnosti in kompetenc učitelja v Sloveniji ter tako identificirati gradnike izvirnega modela. V ta namen smo naredili sistematičen pregled domače in tuje strokovne literature s področja čustvene inteligence, teorije izbire, čuječnosti in kompetenc ter izvedli empirično raziskavo identificiranja gradnikov modela pri učinkovitem usmerjanju dijakov. Metode: Teoretični del naloge smo s pomočjo knjig, člankov in raziskav pripravili sistematično za raziskovalni del ter to povezali. V empiričnem delu smo uporabili kvantitativno raziskovalno paradigmo. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili metodo anketiranja srednješolskih učiteljev v vseh statističnih regijah Slovenije. Za statistično obdelavo podatkov smo uporabili opisno, bivariantno in multivariantno statistiko. Za prikaz demografskih podatkov smo uporabili metodo opisne statistike: standardni odklon, minimalno in maksimalno vrednost, frekvence in odstotke. Primerjave med skupinami in pari spremenljivk smo opravili z bivariatno analizo (t-test, enosmerna analiza variance, izračun korelacij). Za konstruktno validacijo merjenih pojavov smo uporabili izračune faktorske analize. S pomočjo faktorske analize smo iz nabora večjega števila trditev ocenjenih s 5-stopenjsko ocenjevalno lestvico ekstrahirali faktorje z metodo Principal Axis Factoring (PAF) ter jih z metodo regresijskih koeficientov shranili kot nove spremenljivke. Zanesljivost teh smo preverili z izračunom Cronbachovega alfa koeficienta, za katerega velja, da naj bi znašal vsaj 0,7, da lahko mersko lestvico označimo kot zanesljivo. Za ugotavljanje vpliva neodvisnih spremenljivk na odvisno spremenljivko smo uporabili multiplo regresijsko analizo. Regresijo smo izvedli s pomočjo metode Enter, ki v regresijskem modelu ohrani vse neodvisne spremenljivke. Vrednost p < 0,05 je določala statistično pomembnost. Rezultati: V vzorec raziskave je bilo vključenih 1025 anketirancev. Anketiranje smo izvedli na vzorcu srednješolskih učiteljev, ki smo jih k sodelovanju povabili v letu 2020. Pretežni delež vzorca predstavljajo ženske (71,4 %), anketiranci so stari med 21 in 60 let (94 %), poučujejo na srednjih strokovnih šolah (70,9 %) in imajo univerzitetno izobrazbo (90,1 %). V vzorec smo zajeli učitelje, ki poučujejo na šolah v vseh slovenskih statističnih regijah. Ključni pojmi oz. paradigme, ki smo jih z vprašalnikom preverjali, so čustvena inteligentnost, čuječnost, teorija izbire in kompetence učiteljev. Vsi merjeni pojmi so izkazali visoko stopnjo zanesljivosti (Cronbach alfa > 0,9). V primeru čustvene inteligentnosti in čuječnosti smo potrdili enodimenzionalno strukturo pojma. Pri teoriji izbire smo dobili dva faktorja, ki smo ju poimenovali »teorija izbire in organizacijsko vedenje« ter »teorija izbire in družbena percepcija«. V primeru učiteljevih kompetenc smo na podlagi faktorske analize uvedli štiri nove spremenljivke, in sicer »kakovost strokovnega dela«, »kompetentno delo z dijaki«, »učni načrt kot vodilo strokovnega dela« ter »timski pristop za uspešno delo«. Vse spremenljivke smo za namene primerjalne analize izpeljali tako, da smo jih izračunali na podlagi povprečnih ocen posameznih trditev, ki padejo na posamezni faktor. Analizirali smo tudi, kolikšna je povezanost med razumevanjem posameznega pojma oz. paradigme ter ocenami različnih vidikov uporabe tega pojma v praksi. Rezultati so pokazali, da so vse povezave pozitivne ter glede na vrednost korelacijskega koeficienta zmerne jakosti. Vse hipoteze smo potrdili, saj je bil delež pojasnjene variance visok, kar kaže na to, da so ankentiranci izkazali tudi višjo stopnjo učinkovitosti usmerjanja dijakov, in sicer: čustvene inteligence 61,8 %, čuječnosti 41,6 %, teorije izbire 63,8 % ter učiteljeve kompetence 63,9 %. Organizacija: Pozitiven vpliv na izobraževalne organizacije je v današnjem času konstantnih sprememb zagotovo najbolj odvisen od pedagoškega kadra, ki ga premore tovrstna organizacija. V prvi vrsti so zaposleni tisti, ki morajo prevzemati odgovornost za svoje življenje, kajti le zadovoljen učitelj je dober učitelj. Pomembno si je postavljati meje, ob katerih ne izgubljamo duševne in telesne moči. Da bi to dosegali, moramo pri svojem delu ozavestiti različne pristope in teorije, kajti le to nam lahko II zagotavlja uspeh pri delu z dijaki, ki smo jim vzgled in motivatorji pri njihovem nadaljnjem razvoju. Uporabljati čustveno inteligenco pri vsakodnevnem delu in življenju pomeni zavedati se svojih čustev, z uporabo čuječnosti se umirjamo in zbistrimo duha, posledično smo sposobni boljšega odločanja in smo učinkovitejši, teorija izbire pa nam omogoča, da prevzemamo odgovornost za svoje počutje, ravnovesje ter da smo za to, ali bomo imeli kvalitetno življenje, odgovorni predvsem sami. Družba: Izsledki in ugotovitve raziskave ter izvirni model doktorske disertacije prispevajo k razumevanju, miselnosti današnjega izobraževalnega sistema, ki se zaveda pomembnosti učiteljevega dela v vlogi vodje oziroma usmerjevalca razreda. Pri vplivu na družbo smo v disertaciji večkrat izpostavili pomembnost znanja različnih pristopov in teorij, ki jih učitelji morajo poznati, saj lahko na ta način vrednotimo uspešnost posameznika v družbi. Vsak posameznik soustvarja organizacijo in družbo na način, ki je za njega sprejemljiv, in sicer na podlagi nekih miselnih procesov, kajti gre za procese čustvovanja, razmišljanja ter usmerjanja našega življenjskega kroga. Človekovo zavedanje samega sebe in njegova odgovornost do družbe je z vidika vizije moralne družbe pogoj za delovanje preobrazbe družbe. Originalnost: Prispevek doktorske disertacije k znanosti je utemeljitev modela gradnikov učinkovitega usmerjanja dijakov z uporabo čustvene inteligence, teorije izbire, čuječnosti in s kompetencami. V izvirnem modelu (slika 5.4) smo opredelili osnovne gradnike: čustveno inteligenco, čuječnost, teorijo izbire in kompetence učitelja, kjer smo jih s faktorsko analizo glede na rezultate razširili na 9 gradnikov, in sicer na teorijo izbire in organizacijsko vedenje, teorijo izbire in družbeno percepcijo, čuječnost, čustveno inteligenco ter kompetence, ki smo jih delili na pet gradnikov: kompetentnost strokovnega dela učiteljev, kompetentnost za motivacijsko usmerjanje dijakov, kompetentnost za strateško načrtovanje in izvajanje pedagoškega procesa, kompetentnost za svetovanje staršem in kompetentnost za vzpostavljanje timskih odnosov. Prispevek doktorske disertacije je v tem, da smo na področju čustvene inteligence, teorije izbire, čuječnosti in kompetenc pripravili aktualni pregled spoznanj iz dostopnih svetovnih znanstvenih virov. Razvili smo možnost povezave različnih teorij in vpliv le-teh na učinkovitost usmerjanja dijakov. Izoblikovali smo model povezav med čustveno inteligenco, teorijo izbire, čuječnostjo in kompetencami pri uspešnem delu učiteljev z dijaki. Z metodološkega vidika je glavni prispevek uporaba že znanih merskih instrumentov ter njihova povezava različnih, do sedaj še nepovezanih teorij ter njihov vpliv na usmerjanje dijakov. Osnovni cilj naloge smo dosegli. Vse konstrukte smo uspeli povezati med seboj z učiteljevim delom in s tem potrdili, da so vse naše spremenljivke pomembne za kvalitetno delo v razredu. Zasnovan model je univerzalen, kar nam daje možnost nadaljnjih raziskav v vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanovah tako med učitelji kot med dijaki. Omejitve/nadaljnje raziskovanje: Podatke smo zbirali v času epidemije, kar tako za raziskovalca kot anketirance pomeni edinstveno situacijo. Soočali smo se s slabo odzivnostjo, saj so učitelji večino časa delali od doma. Predvidevamo lahko, da določene omejitve izhajajo tudi iz možnosti podajanja družbeno zaželenih odgovorov s strani učiteljev, saj smo raziskovana področja merili s samoocenjevalnim vprašalnikom. Nadaljnjo raziskavo bi lahko izvedli med dijaki v vseh slovenskih regijah, kjer bi pridobili mnenja o pedagoškem delu učitelja kot vplivu na dijakovo uspešnost, osebnostni razvoj, motivacijo in osebno rast v šolskem obdobju. Ravno tako bi lahko proučevali in naredili primerjalno študijo z osnovnošolskimi učitelji in učenci. Nadgradnja našega modela bi bila, da bi izvedli periodično raziskavo med srednješolskimi učitelji v vseh statističnih regijah Slovenije, in sicer po dveh letih izobraževanja in usposabljanja učiteljev na področjih, ki smo jih raziskovali.
Keywords:čustvena inteligenca, čuječnost, teorija izbire, učiteljeve kompetence, paradigma, model gradnikov, doktorske disertacije, usmerjanje dijakov
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Place of performance:Novo mesto
Publisher:[B. Bahat]
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:VIII, 157 str., [14] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8644 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:94245379 New window
Note:Nasl. na ov.: Doktorska disertacija študijski program tretje stopnje;
Publication date in ReVIS:20.01.2022
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Secondary language

Abstract:Research question (RQ): We have created the research question based on various scientific insights, namely: emotional intelligence, emotion, theory of choice and competence, are studied to recognize influential building blocks of the effective guidance model for students using emotional intelligence, theory of choice and teacher competences. We explore building blocks through the process of self-knowledge and self-evaluation of the teacher's work, as each change and every learning process is composed of learning small insights about oneself, thought processes and co-design and co-creation of a common social environment and organizations. Purpose: The main purpose of the doctoral thesis is to create an original model, which consists of the building blocks of effective student guidance with different uses of theories and knowledge in the field of emotional intelligence, theories of choice, competences of the Slovenian teacher in order to identify the building blocks of the original model. With aim we have created a systematic review of domestic and foreign professional literature in the field of emotional intelligence, selection theory, and competences and conducted empirical research to find the building blocks of the model in effectively guiding students. Methods: The theoretical part was systematically conducted with the help of books, articles and research data. In the empirical section a quantitative research paradigm was used. Regarding data collection, the method of interviewing secondary school teachers in all statistical regions of Slovenia was chosen. For statistical data processing descriptive, bivariant and multivariant statistics were used. To display demographic data, we used the descriptive statistics method: standard deviation, minimum and maximum values, frequencies and percentages. Comparisons between groups and pairs of variables were made with bivariant analysis (t-test, one-way variance analysis, correlation calculation). For the constructive validation of measured phenomena, calculations of the factor analysis were used. With the help of factor analysis, we have extracted factors from a made set of higher number of statements, graded with a 5-step assessment scale using the Principal Axis Factoring (PAF) method and stored them as new variables using the regression coefficient method. The reliability of these was verified by calculating the Cronbach alpha coefficient, which is considered to be at least 0,7 for scale to be evaluated as reliable. In order to determine the impact of independent variables on dependent variable, the multiple regression analysis was conducted. Regression was performed using the Enter method, which allows maintenance of all independent variables in the regression model. The p < 0.05 value determined statistical significance. Results: The survey included 1,025 respondents. The survey was carried out on a sample of secondary high school teachers, which were invited to participate in 2020. The majority of the sample represents women (71.4 %), respondents aged 21–60 (94 %) who teach in secondary vocational schools (70.9 %) and have a university education (90.1 %). The sample included teachers who teach in schools in all Slovenian statistical regions. The key notions or paradigms that were tested with the help of the questionnaire, were emotional intelligence, intelligence, selection theory and competence of teachers. All measured notions showed a high degree of reliability (Cronbach alpha > 0.9). In the case of emotional intelligence and mindfulness one-dimensional structure of the concept was confirmed, in the theory of choice two factors were given, which we called "theory choice and organizational behavior" and "choice theory and social perception". In the case of teacher competences on the basis of a factor analysis, we introduced 4 new variables, namely "quality of professional work", "competent work with students", "curriculum as a guide of professional work" and "team approach for successful work". All variables were for the purposes of benchmarking carried out by calculating them on the basis of estimates of individual claims that fall on each factor. We also analyzed the relationship between understanding a particular concept or paradigm and assessments of the different aspects of the practical application of this concept. The results showed that all links are positive and based on the value of the correlation coefficient of moderate strength. All hypotheses were confirmed as the proportion of the explained variance was high, indicating that the respondents also showed higher rate in student guidance efficiency: emotional intelligence 61.8%, mindfulness 41.6 %, theory of choice 63.8 % and the teacher's competence 63.9 %. IV Organization: The positive impact on educational organizations is now in time of that constant changes definitely most dependent on the teaching staff that such an organization can offer. First and foremost, employees are those who have to take responsibility for their lives, because only a satisfied teacher is a good teacher. It is important to set boundaries that do not require loss of mental and physical strength. In order to achieve this, we need to raise awareness to different approaches and theories in work, as only this can ensure success in working with the students, whom teachers are role models and motivators in their further development. To use emotional intelligence in everyday work and life means to be aware of our emotions, using mindfulness to soothe and clear our spirit, consequentially we are able to make better decisions and are more efficient, and the theory of choice allows us to take responsibility for our well-being, balance and that we are primarily responsible ourselves for a quality life. Society: The results and findings of the study and the original doctoral dissertation model contribute to the mindset of today's education system, which is aware of the importance of the teacher's work as a leader or class guide. In its impact on society, the dissertation has repeatedly highlighted the importance of different approaches and theories that teachers need to know, as we can in this manner value the effectiveness of individual in society. Each individual co-creates organization and society in a way acceptable to him based on thought processes, because these are processes of emotion, thinking and guidance of our life cycle. A man's awareness of himself and his responsibility to society is, in terms of moral society a condition for the functioning of the transformation of society. Originality: The contribution of PhD dissertation is the justification of the building block model of effective student guidance using emotional intelligence, choice theory, mindfulness and competences. In the original model (fig. 5.4) we have identified the basic building blocks: emotional intelligence, emotion, the theory of choice and competence of the teacher, where we have expanded them to 9 building blocks by factor analysis based on the results: selection theory and organizational behaviour, choice theory and social perception, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and competences which were divided into five building blocks: competence of teachers' professional work, competence for motivational guidance of students, competence for strategic planning and implementation of the pedagogical process, competence to advise parents and competence to build team relationships. The contribution of the doctoral thesis is that we had prepared a topical overview of the available global scientific resources in the fields of emotional intelligence, theory of choice, mindfulness and competence. We have developed the possibility of connecting different theories and the effectiveness of those on the efficiency of student guidance. We have developed a model of links between emotional intelligence, the theory of choice, and competences in the successful work of teachers with students. From a methodological point of view, the main contribution is the use of already known measurement instruments and their connection to various, to date, not yet related theories and their impact on the guidance of students. The basic objective of the research was achieved and we managed to link all the constructs with the teacher's work, confirming that all our variables are important for quality work in the classroom. The design model is universal, which gives us the opportunity to further research in educational institutions both among teachers and among students. Limitations/Future Research: Data was collected during the epidemic, which is a unique situation both for the researcher and the respondents. We faced poor responsiveness, as teachers spent most of their time working from home. It can be assumed that certain restrictions also stem from the possibility of giving socially desirable responses by teachers, as research fields were measured using a self-assessment questionnaire. Further survey could be carried out among students in all Slovenian regions, where we would gain opinions on pedagogical work of teacher as an influence on the student's performance, personal development, motivation and personal growth during the school period. We could also study and do a comparative research with primary school teachers and pupils. Upgrading our model would be to conduct a periodic survey among secondary high school teachers in all Slovenian statistical regions after two years of teacher education and training in the fields we have researched.
Keywords:emotional intelligence, mindfulness, theory of choice, teacher competence, paradigm, student guidance, student model, effectively guiding students, doctoral dissertation
