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Title:Mediji in državnozborske volitve v Republiki Sloveniji v letu 2018 : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Rostan, Špela (Author)
ID Avbelj, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Rostan_Spela_i2020.pdf (1,57 MB)
MD5: C5C71C8E5A448A382C38EB3197E38132
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:Mediji s svojim poročanjem in posredovanjem informacij vplivajo na ravnanje ljudi na vseh področjih njihovega življenja. V magistrski nalogi preučujemo morebitni vpliv medijev na državnozborske volitve v Republiki Slovenji v letu 2018. Z uporabo kvantitativne in kvalitativne analize preučujemo uravnoteženost poročanja programov nacionalne televizije in dveh komercialnih televizij v Republiki Sloveniji na primeru državnozborskih volitev v Republiki Sloveniji v letu 2018. V raziskavo so zajeta poročanja v okviru informativnega programa, večja soočanja, intervjuji s kandidati in predsedniki političnih strank ter poročanja o državnozborskih volitvah na spletnih portalih, v obdobju od 1. maja 2018 do sestave Vlade Republike Slovenije. Namen raziskovalne naloge je tudi osvetliti problem volilnega sistema v Republiki Sloveniji, volilne abstinence in legitimnosti volitev. V magistrski nalogi je predstavljen politični sistem, zakonodaja na področju medijev in volitev, volilni sistem, delovanje medijev v okviru demokratičnega procesa in potek volilne kampanje. Predstavljeni so rezultati raziskave o poročanju določenih medijev v obdobju od 1. maja 2018 do sestave Vlade Republike Slovenije. Osvetljena je problematika polarizacije medijskega prostora v Sloveniji in vpliv lastniške strukture medijev na poročanje. Rezultati raziskave v nekaterih primerih kažejo na neuravnoteženo poročanje določenih medijev. Vse politične stranke, predvsem neparlamentarne, nimajo enakih možnosti za predstavitev svojih stališč. Ugotovljeni so bili primeri diskreditacij določenih političnih strank oziroma njihovih predsednikov tekom soočenj. Rezultati magistrskega dela so lahko zanimivi za strokovnjake in študente družboslovnih in tudi politoloških znanosti, hkrati pa predstavljajo izhodišče za nadaljnje raziskave na področju medijev in volitev.
Keywords:mediji, medijsko okolje, medijsko poročanje, volitve, državnozborske volitve v Republiki Sloveniji 2018, politični sistem, volilna kampanja, volilni sistem
Place of publishing:Kranj
Place of performance:Kranj
Publisher:[Š. Rostan]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 124 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8687 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:96460291 New window
UDC:659.3: 342.8(043.2)
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 4. 2. 2022;
Publication date in ReVIS:09.02.2022
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Secondary language

Abstract:Through their reporting and dissemination of information, the media influence the behavior of people in all areas of their lives. In the master's thesis we study the possible influence of the media on the National Assembly elections in the Republic of Slovenia in 2018. Using quantitative and qualitative analysis, we study the balance of reporting between national television programs and two commercial televisions in the Republic of Slovenia in the National Assembly elections in the Republic of Slovenia in 2018. This analysis includes reports as part of the information program, major confrontations, interviews with candidates and presidents of political parties and reports on parliamentary elections on web portals in the period from 1st of May 2018 until the composition of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. The purpose of the research task is also to shed light on the problem of the electoral system in the Republic of Slovenia, electoral abstinence and the legitimacy of elections. The master's thesis presents the political system, legislation in the field of media and elections, the electoral system, the operation of the media within the democratic process and the course of the election campaign. The results of a survey on the reporting of certain media in the period from 1st of May 2018 to the composition of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia are presented. The issue of polarization of the media space in Slovenia and the influence of the ownership structure of the media on reporting is highlighted. The results of the survey in some cases indicate unbalanced reporting by certain media. Not all political parties, especially non-parliamentary ones, have equal opportunities to present their views. In thesis we highlight some cases of discrediting certain political parties or their presidents during confrontations. The results of the master's thesis can be interesting for experts and students of social sciences as well as political science, and at the same time they represent a starting point for further research in the field of media and elections.
