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Title:Vizija stanovanjske politike mladih : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Doneva, Andrijana (Author)
ID Grum, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Doneva_Andrijana_i2021.pdf (2,77 MB)
MD5: F4D5B99124FC989C35C820D83BFCD176
Work type:Final reflection paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:V diplomskem delu je obravnavana stanovanjska problematika mladih. Veliko mladih se ob vstopu v odraslo obdobje spopada z izzivom – reševanje bivanjskega vprašanja. Mnogokrat je mladim ta dobrina nedostopna, saj je vstop na stanovanjski trg zanje skoraj nemogoče dejanje. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti stanovanjsko situacijo mladih in njihovo vizijo za boljšo bivanjsko prihodnost. Pri tem smo analizirali slovenski trg nepremičnin in ugotovili, da je ponudba stanovanjskih nepremičnin premajhna, povpraševanje po teh pa vedno bolj narašča. Posledica tega so visoke cene nepremičnin tako za najem kot tudi za nakup. Zaradi specifičnosti trga je pomembna tudi vloga države na tem področju. Obravnavali smo tudi vlogo države na področju stanovanjskega vprašanja. Nadalje so predstavljeni stanovanjska politika v Sloveniji in akterji, ki se ukvarjajo s stanovanjskim področjem. Z anketnim vprašalnikom smo analizirali trenutno bivanjsko situacijo mladih v Sloveniji in podali predloge, s katerimi bi država lahko pomagala mladim do stanovanja. Rešitev stanovanjskega problema predstavlja prvo stopničko do osamosvojitve mladih in hkrati vpliva na kvaliteto življenja, delo, ustvarjanje družine. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so mladi nezadovoljni s trenutno stanovanjsko politiko in zakonodajo ter da želijo spremembe in izboljšave na tem področju.
Keywords:stanovanje, nepremičnina, stanovanjska problematika, mladi, stanovanjska politika, stanovanjski sklad
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Doneva ]
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (51 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8763 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:101945347 New window
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 23. 3. 2022;
Publication date in ReVIS:31.03.2022
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Secondary language

Abstract:This thesis deals with the housing problems of young people. As young people enter adulthood, they face a challenge - solving the housing issue. Many times, this good is inaccessible to them, as entering the housing market is an almost impossible act. The purpose of the thesis is to present the housing situation of young people and their vision for a better future. We analyzed the Slovenian real estate market and found that the supply of residential real estate is deficient, and the demand for it is growing. This results in high property prices for both rent and purchase. Due to the specifics of the market, the role of the state in this area is also important. We also discussed the role of the state in the field of housing. Furthermore, the housing policy in Slovenia and the actors dealing with the housing sector are presented. With the questionnaire, we analyzed the current living situation of young people in Slovenia and gave suggestions with which the state could help them to solve their housing problem. The solution to the housing problem represents the first step towards the independence of young people and at the same time affects the quality of life, work and family creation. The results of the survey showed that young people are dissatisfied with the current housing policy and legislation and that they want changes and improvements in this area.
