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Title:Povezovanje dveh pristopov : kognitivno-vedenjska umetnostna terapija
Authors:ID Križaj, Eva (Author)
ID Rakovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Krizaj_Eva_i2021.pdf (891,73 KB)
MD5: D6C3B2558E3349F66029EF4EC4B2CAE4
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Integracija kognitivno-vedenjske terapije in kreativnega pristopa pomoč z umetnostjo še nedolgo nazaj ni bila dobro sprejeta. Veljalo je namreč prepričanje, da hibridni pristopi kognitivno-vedenjske umetnostne terapije niso učinkoviti in izvedljivi. Umetnostne terapije so se kot izkustvene začele razvijati znotraj psihoanalitičnih in analitičnih praks, ki so bile v nasprotju z behaviorizmom, ki skupaj s kognitivno terapijo nosi temelje za razvoj kognitivno-vedenjske terapije. V zadnjih letih vse več terapevtov ponuja priložnost tovrstni integraciji. Glavna podpora pristopu je dejstvo, da so kognitivne komponente del umetniškega ustvarjanja in s tem neločljivo povezane s samo terapijo. Naklonjenost do sodobnega umetnostnega pristopa, ki temelji na načelih vedenjske in kognitivne terapije, je rasla skozi praktično uporabo vizualnih podob, ki so predstavljale posameznikove misli, čustva in občutke in s tem tudi njihovo izkrivljenost in prostor za terapevtsko delo in doseganje sprememb. Namen naloge je poiskati stičišča kognitivno-vedenjske in umetnostne terapije, predstaviti kognitivno-vedenjsko umetnostno terapijo in ugotoviti, kateri so možni praktični vidiki uporabe tega pristopa. Umetnostne terapevte so dokončno prepričali meditativni vidiki terapije, ki so se pojavili v tretjem valu razvoja kognitivno-vedenjskega pristopa in ustvarili vse več argumentov za tovrstno povezovanje. Glavni meditativni konstrukt kognitivno-vedenjske terapije je čuječnost, opredeljena kot zmožnost vzdrževanja pozornosti z določenim namenom, v sedanjem trenutku in brez obsojanja. Spoznanje, da čuječnost in umetnost tvorita edinstveno vez in simbiotični odnos, je vplivalo na širjenje idej v svetu fotografije in fototerapije. Koncept “čuječa fotografija” se dobro vključuje v hibridni pristop kognitivno-vedenjske umetnostne terapije, saj vsebuje elemente obeh pristopov in predstavlja možno aplikacijo nove prakse, ki bi dopolnila sodoben način psihoterapevtskega dela.
Keywords:kognitivno-vedenjska terapija, umetnostna terapija, čuječnost, fototerapija, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:E. Križaj
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:107 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8808 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:80651011 New window
Note:Študijski program Psihosocialna pomoč;
Publication date in ReVIS:05.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Hybrid approach : diplomska naloga
Abstract:Not that long ago, the integration of cognitive behavioural therapy and a creative approach to help through art was not well-received. It was believed that the hybrid approaches of cognitive behavioural art therapy were ineffective and unfeasible. Art therapies, as forms of experiential therapy, were originally developed within psychoanalytic and analytic practices that were contrary to behaviourism, which,alongside with cognitive therapy, is the foundation for the development of cognitive behavioural therapy. In recent years, a growing number of therapists have decided to give this integration a shot. The main argument for this approach is the fact that cognitive components are a part of artistic creation and thus inextricably linked with the therapy itself. This modern artistic approach, which is based on the principles of behavioural and cognitive therapy, continued to gain popularity through the practical use of visual images that represented a person's thoughts, emotions and feelings and, consequently, their distortion, room for therapeutic work, and achieving change. The purpose of the thesis is to find the common ground between cognitive behavioural therapy and art therapy, to introduce cognitive behavioural art therapy, and to determine possible practical applications of this approach. Art therapists were eventually convinced by the meditative aspects of this therapy, which emerged in the third wave of the development of the cognitive behavioural approach and gave rise to a growing number of arguments for such integration. The main meditative construct of cognitive behavioural therapy is mindfulness, which is defined as the ability to purposely focus attention in the present moment without judgement. The realization that mindfulness and art form a unique bond and a symbiotic relationship has led to the spread of such ideas in the world of photography and phototherapy. The concept of “a mindful photograph” is in line with the hybrid approach of cognitive behavioural art therapy, as it contains elements of both approaches and represents a possible application of new practice, which would complement the modern practice of psychotherapy.
