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Title:Človekovo dostojanstvo in skrbništvo za odrasle osebe z demenco
Authors:Leban, Mihael (Author)
Kleindienst, Petra (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Tipology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Naloga se osredotoča na postopek postavitve osebe z demenco pod skrbništvo in spoštovanje njenega dostojanstva pred, med in po zaključku tega postopka. V prvem delu je obrazložena demenca kot duševna bolezen z različnim izvorom, posledicami in pojavnostjo. Drugi del vsebuje opis postopka postavitve pod skrbništvo po veljavnem Družinskem zakoniku in Zakonu o nepravdnem postopku z vidika uporabnosti te zakonodaje za osebe z demenco. Poudarek je na vlogi strokovnih delavcev CSD skozi naloge, ki jih ti imajo v začetni fazi ugotavljanja potreb, v fazi podaje mnenja sodišču o osebi skrbnika, v zaključni fazi popisa premoženja ter dalje po postavitvi osebe pod skrbništvo v okviru izvajanja skrbništva oz. v okviru spremljanja skrbnikovega dela s strani CSD. Sledi opredelitev pojma človekovega dostojanstva v pravnih mednarodnih in nacionalnih aktih. Empirični del vsebuje intervjuje strokovnih delavcev CSD, ki delajo z osebami z demenco. Njihovo delo zajemajo javna pooblastila in naloge na področju varstva odraslih, predvsem skrbništvo nad odraslimi osebami, poleg tega pa tudi delo z uporabniki s težavami v duševnem zdravju, naloge v zvezi s preprečevanjem nasilja nad starimi in storitev prve socialne pomoči starim osebam. V okviru dvodimenzionalnosti človekovega dostojanstva se naloga posveča temi realizacije dostojanstva oseb z demenco v postopku prehoda pod skrbništvo. Magistrska naloga je zaključena z ugotovitvami empiričnega dela, ki problematizirajo obstoječo ureditev postopka postavitve pod skrbništvo z vidika novih možnosti za udejanjanje človekovega dostojanstva oseb z demenco. Predstavljen je pomen neformalnih oblik pomoči, ki jih osebe z demenco prejemajo, če niso sprejete v institucionalno varstvo ter pomen prepoznavanja potreb oseb z demenco in njenih vrednot s strani strokovnih delavcev predvsem takrat, ko ta ne zmore izraziti lastnih misli in želja. Pri vsem tem je v odnosu z osebo z demenco pomemben njej prilagojen način komunikacije.
Keywords:demenca, oseba z demenco, človekovo dostojanstvo, skrbništvo, Center za socialno delo, magistrske naloge
Year of publishing:2021
Publisher:M. Leban
Source:[Nova Gorica
COBISS_ID:93706755 Link is opened in a new window
Note:Študijski program Medkulturni menedžment;
Files:.pdf RAZ_Leban_Mihael_i2021.pdf (1,23 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Human Dignity and Guardianship for Adults suffering from Dementia
Abstract:The thesis focuses on the proceedings of appointing a guardian to a person suffering from dementia and on the respect of the concerned individual's dignity throughout this procedure. The first part of the thesis defines dementia as a mental illness with a varying origin, consequences and manifestation. The second part includes the description of guardianship proceedings according to the valid Slovenian Family Code and Non-Contentious Procedure Act from the perspective of legislation usefulness for individuals with dementia. The emphasis is on the role of social workers from Social Work Centres according to the tasks which they perform in the initial phase of needs assessment, in the phase of passing the opinion about the guardian to the court, in the final phase of personal property assessment and further on after appointing the guardian in terms of supervising the guardian's work. Then follows the definition of the concept of human dignity in international and national acts of law. The empirical part of the thesis includes the interviews with social workers from Social Work Centres, who work with people suffering from dementia in the field of adult guardianship. Their work includes public powers and tasks in the field of adult care, namely care for adults, as well as work with people with mental health problems, tasks related to the prevention of violence against the elderly and first aid services for the elderly. In the frame of the two-dimensional aspect of human dignity the thesis puts emphasis on the realistaion of the dignity of individuals with dementia in the course of the transition to guardianship. The thesis concludes with empirical evidence which put into question the current regulation of guardianship proceedings in terms of new possibilities to realise human dignity with individuals suffering from dementia. The importance of informal forms of help that people with dementia receive if they are not admitted to institutional care is presented, as well as the importance of recognizing the needs of people with dementia and their values by professionals, especially when they cannot express their thoughts and desires. In all of this, an important way of communicating is adapted to the person with dementia.
