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Title:Fizioterapevtska obravnava kot podporno zdravljenje pri anksioznih motnjah
Authors:ID Kovač, Ana Marija (Author)
ID Umek, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 0BD315085DE3DD2428494FBED49D892D
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Anksiozne motnje so najpogostejše duševne motnje, ki močno vplivajo na zdravstveno stanje in funkcionalne sposobnosti oseb, ki trpijo za njimi, poleg tega pa predstavljajo veliko breme tudi za družbo. Ker običajne oblike zdravljenja niso vedno učinkovite ali so osebam z anksioznimi motnjami nedostopne, strokovna javnost raziskuje, katere oblike zdravljenja bi lahko samostojno ali v kombinaciji z običajnimi terapijami izboljšale stanje ali celo ozdravile osebe z anksioznimi motnjami. V diplomski nalogi kot alternativno obliko zdravljenja anksioznih motenj predlagamo fizioterapevtsko obravnavo, zato smo s pregledom literature želeli preveriti, kakšno je stanje raziskav na tem področju in katere fizioterapevtske metode bi lahko bile uporabne pri zdravljenju anksioznih motenj. Ugotovili smo, da je fizioterapevtska obravnava primerna kot podporno zdravljenje anksioznih motenj in da zaenkrat največ dokazov o učinkovitosti obstaja za kinezioterapijo in sprostitvene tehnike. Za manualno terapijo in specialni metodi fizioterapije za duševno zdravje (BBAT, NPMP) smo našli zelo nizko raven dokazov in malo raziskav, zato ju v okviru tega dela ne moremo priporočiti. Ugotovili smo še, da je področje fizioterapije za zdravljenje anksioznih motenj (ter duševnih motenj nasploh) relativno slabo raziskano in zastopano znotraj zdravstvenih sistemov na svetovni ravni.
Keywords:anksioznost, anksiozne motnje, fizioterapija, duševno zdravje, duševne motnje, fizioterapija za duševno zdravje
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8858 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:111012355 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:20.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Physiotherapy as Adjunctive Treatment for Anxiety Disorders
Abstract:Anxiety disorders are the most common type of mental disorders which greatly impact the physical health and functioning of the people who suffer from them. In addition, these disorders represent a burden for the society at large. Conventional treatments for anxiety disorders are not always successful and may be inaccessible to some patients, that’s why researchers and clinicians are looking for alternative standalone or adjunct treatments which could alleviate symptoms or possibly cure anxiety disorders. In this thesis we propose physiotherapy as an adjunctive treatment for anxiety disorders; our goal was to assess the state of the art of this field through literature review and research which physical therapy methods or approaches could be useful in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Our results show that exercise therapy and relaxation techniques have great potential for successful treatment of anxiety disorders, meanwhile we couldn’t find adequate evidence for the use of manual therapy, Basic Body Awareness Therapy or Norwegian Psychomotor Physiotherapy for this purpose. We also conclude that research on the topic of physiotherapy for anxiety disorders (and mental disorders in general) is lacking and is not integrated in most healthcare systems worldwide.
Keywords:anxiety, anxiety disorders, physiotherapy, mental health, mental disorders, physiotherapy for mental health
