Opis: | Tema te naloge je fleksibilnost najemniškega nastanitvenega prostora in njegove specifičnosti ter odnos med najemodajalcem in najemnikom glede možnosti prilagajanja nastanitvenega prostora. Kakovost stanovanja je pomembna za obe strani (najemodajalca in najemnika). Eden od pomembnih dejavnikov pa je, da je kakovost stanovanja povezana s prilagodljivostjo. Obveznosti in pravice najemodajalca in najemnika ureja Zakon RH o najemu stanovanj oziroma najemna pogodba. Zakon določa, da najemnik ne sme preurejati stanovanja brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja najemodajalca, kar je tudi največja težava glede fleksibilnosti, saj je le-ta odvisna tudi od kakovosti odnosa med najemnikom in najemodajalcem. Druga težava je pogosto neurejen odnos med pogodbenikoma, torej dejstvo, da se najema stanovanj ne prijavlja, kar pomeni tudi odsotnost najemne pogodbe.Cilj študije je raziskati pojem in področje prilagodljivosti najemnih stanovanj v Republiki Hrvaški. Kot postopek zbiranja podatkov se uporablja anketa. Z njo se želi odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali je lastništvo stanovanja pomemben dejavnik pri ustvarjanju prilagodljivega in fleksibilnega stanovanja, ki ustreza stanovanjskim potrebam. Večina odgovorov je pričakovanih, podrobna analiza pa je pokazala, da je odgovor na osnovno vprašanje pritrdilen. Lastništvo je pomemben dejavnik pri ustvarjanju prilagodljivega stanovanja.The topic is the flexibility of rental housing and its specifics, as well as the relationship between landlord and tenant to the possibility of adapting housing. The quality of housing is important for both parties (landlord and tenant), one of the important factors is that the quality of housing is related to flexibility. Obligations and rights of the landlord and the tenant are regulated by the Apartment lease act, i.e., the lease agreement. The law stipulates that the tenant may not make alterations to the apartment without the prior written consent of the landlord, which is the biggest problem in terms of flexibility, given the same dependence on quality relationships between tenant and landlord. Another problem is the often-unsettled relationship between the contracting parties, i.e., the fact that renting apartments is not reported, which implies the absence of a lease agreement. The research aims to develop the idea and area of flexibility in rental apartments in the Republic of Croatia. The survey is used as a data collection method. The survey seeks to answer the question of whether apartment ownership is an important factor in creating an adaptable, flexible apartment that meets housing needs. Most of the answers are expected, and a detailed analysis concluded that the answer to the basic question is that ownership is an important factor in creating a flexible apartment. |