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Title:Vpliv digitalnega/tradicionalnega marketinga v glasbeni industriji
Authors:Savić, Vanja (Author)
Balkovec, Janez (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Tipology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Glasba je iz dneva v dan izpostavljena različnim spremembam. Od trenutka, ko je tehnologija naredila prvi korak v glasbeni industriji, se je glasba začela razvijati skupaj z njo. Digitalizacija je prispevala k razvoju različnih žanrov, nato pa je kombinacija tradicionalnega s sodobnim omogočila posodobitev starih hitov, pa tudi samih glasbenikov, povečanje njihove prepoznavnosti in ozaveščanje o njihovem obstoju. Oglaševanje in način, kako glasbenik svoje delo predstavi občinstvu, sta zagotovo najbolj pripomogla k temu. Naša raziskava se osredotoča na oglaševanje glasbe prek digitalnih kanalov oz. tradicionalnih načinov oglaševanja, cilj pa ni bil raziskati glasbo kot segmenta trženja, temveč kot produkt, ki ga glasbena industrija lansira poslušalcem. Tri hipoteze in glavno raziskovalno vprašanje nam bodo razkrili, kako mediji vplivajo na glasbeno industrijo in poslušalce. Orodje, s katerim smo dobili odgovore na hipoteze, je anketna metodologija (vprašalnik), ki je potekala v realnem času. Anketiranci so ljubitelji/poslušalci glasbe, ki so odgovarjali na vprašanja o avtorski zaščiti glasbenih izdelkov, načinu poslušanja glasbe, kakor tudi o ceni, ki jo danes plačujejo za poslušanje glasbe. Odgovori anketirancev so razvrščeni v grafe, ki dajejo vizualno predstavo odgovorov. Poleg metode ankete smo odgovore iskali tudi med literaturo, ki je na voljo na spletu. Razvoj tehnologije je vsekakor prispeval ne le h glasbeni, temveč tudi k drugim panogam ter olajšal mreženje in širjenje informacij. Poslušanje glasbe v avtu, na sprehodu, v telovadnici, na avtobusu ali vlaku nam je vsem olajšalo in dopolnilo izkušnjo. Po drugi strani pa je tradicionalno trženje še vedno najbolj verodostojen vir dogodkov v svetu glasbe ter v svetu zvezd in blišča. Tako se tudi zavedamo, da je bolj verodostojno zaupati recenzijam kot npr. Wikipediji, kar pa ne spremeni dejstva, da dandanes velika večina raje posluša glasbo prek digitalnih platform, kot pa s pomočjo klasičnih glasbenih naprav.
Keywords:glasba, oglaševanje, digitalni marketing, tradicionalni marketing, promocija glasbe, glasbeni produkti, magistrske naloge
Year of publishing:2022
Publisher:[V. Savić]
COBISS_ID:125747203 Link is opened in a new window
Note:Študijski program Medkulturni menedžment;
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of digital/traditional marketing in the music industry
Abstract:Music is exposed to different changes day by day. From the moment technology took its first step in the music industry, music started to evolve with it. Digitalization has contributed to the development of different genres, and then the combination of the traditional and the modern has made it possible to modernize old hits, as well as the musicians themselves, increasing their visibility and raising awareness of their existence. Publicity and the way in which the musician presents his work to the public have certainly been the most important contributors to this. Our research focuses on the advertising of music through digital channels or traditional advertising methods, and the aim was not to explore music as a marketing segment, but as a product launched by the music industry to listeners. The three hypotheses and the main research question will reveal how the media influence the music industry and listeners. The tool used to answer the hypotheses is qualitative research (questionnaire) conducted in real time. The respondents are music lovers/listeners who answered questions about copyright protection of music products, the way they listen to music, and the price they pay to listen to music today. The answers of the respondents are grouped in graphs which give a visual representation of the answers. In addition to the qualitative research, the answers were also sought from the literature available online. The truth is that the development of technology has certainly contributed not only to music but also to other industries, facilitating networking and the dissemination of information. Listening to music in the car, on a walk, in the gym, on the bus or on the train has made the experience easier and more rewarding for all of us. On the other hand, traditional marketing is still the most credible source of events in the world of music and in the world of stars and glamour. We know ourselves that we will trust reviews more than Wikipedia. But we will also prefer to listen to music on digital platforms rather than on cassette tape.
