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Title:Prenos zgodovinskega spomina o vplivu begunstva in begunskih taborišč na civilno prebivalstvo med in po soški fronti
Authors:Premrl, Karin (Author)
Valentinčič, Dejan (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Svoljšak, Petra (Co-mentor)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Prva svetovna vojna je pustila močan pečat na civilno prebivalstvo. V Posočju se je moralo na tisoče ljudi nemudoma izseliti iz svojih domov in se zateči v neznano. Veliko ljudi je bilo nastanjenih v taboriščih, v katerih so opravljali različna dela, da so zaslužili za preživetje. Žene, otroke in starejše bolne ljudi je vojska pustila v zaledju, očete oziroma može in sinove pa vpoklicala za bojevanje na fronti. Tema diplomske naloge zavzema prenos zgodovinskega spomina o begunstvu iz obdobja soške fronte med desetimi posamezniki. Z diplomsko nalogo smo želeli ugotoviti, ali se spomin na to obdobje prenaša iz roda v rod, ali spomin na to obdobje tone v pozabo ter koliko to obdobje potomci beguncev poznajo. Kot raziskovalno metodo smo uporabili intervju, katerega smo izpeljali s posamezniki, starimi med 55 in 80 let. Od tega smo izbrali pet moških in pet ženskih oseb. Izbrali smo tiste posameznike, za katere smo predvideli, da poznajo zgodovinski čas in obdobje soške fronte ter s tem obdobjem povezano begunstvo. V nalogi smo si zastavili eno raziskovalno vprašanje. Ko smo z raziskavo zaključili, smo odgovorili na to vprašanje in tako prišli do ključnih ugotovitev. S samo raziskavo smo prišli do zaključka, da je spomin na trpljenje prebivalstva še močno živ, še posebej pri ljudeh, ki so imeli prednike v begunstvu iz obdobja soške fronte.
Keywords:begunstvo, begunska taborišča, soška fronta, civilno prebivalstvo, spomini, kolektivni spomin, pričevanja, diplomske naloge
Year of publishing:2022
Publisher:[K. Premrl]
COBISS_ID:137846531 Link is opened in a new window
Note:Študijski program Socialni menedžment;
Files:.pdf RAZ_Premrl_Karin_i2022.pdf (670,12 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Transfer of historical memory about the impact of refugees and refugee camps on the civilian population during and after Isonzo Front
Abstract:The First World War left a great mark on the civilian population. In the Soča region, thousands of people had to move out of their homes immediately and take refuge in unknown places. Many people were housed in camps where they did various jobs to earn a living. Women, children and elderly sick people were left in the hinterland by the army, while fathers or husbands and sons were called up to fight at the front. The subject of the thesis is the transmission of the historical memory of refugees from the period of the Isonzo front between ten individuals. With the thesis we wanted to determine if the memory of this period is still transmits from generation to generation and if the memory of this period is sinking into oblivion, as far as the descendants of the refugees know this period. We conducted interviews with individuals between the ages of 55 and 80. From these, we chose five men and five women. We chose the people whom we believed were familiar with the historical time and period of the Isonzo Front and with the refugee wave associated with this period. In the thesis, we asked ourselves one research question. When we completed the research, we answered that one question and came to the key findings. Through the research itself, we found that the memory of the suffering of the population is still very much alive, especially in people whose ancestors were refugees during the period of the Isonzo Front.
