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Title:Vloga terapevtskega psa v svetovalnem procesu pri mladostnikih z vedenjskimi in čustvenimi težavami - študija primera
Authors:Pertoci, Anita (Author)
Rakovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Vse več otrok se sooča z vedenjskimi in čustvenimi težavami in le ti v skrajnem primeru pristanejo v vzgojnih domovih. Otroci s travmatičnimi izkušnjami imajo najpogosteje tudi težave pri komunikaciji, učenju in odnosu z vrstniki. Eden od načinov, kako lažje odpreti srca teh otrok in jim pomagati skozi stiske, so terapije s pomočjo živali. Že v šestdesetih letih 20. stoletja je otroški psihoterapevt Boris Levinson predlagal uporabo živali kot so-terapevtov, saj naj bi pomagale prebiti led pri tistih osebah, ki se težko odprejo. Kasneje so tudi znanstveno dokazali, da psi v svetovalnih procesih pripomorejo k hitrejši učinkovitosti še na veliko drugih načinov. Otroci se zelo dobro zavedajo, da jih živali ne obsojajo, zato so ob njih sproščeni. Z božanjem živali se stimulira sproščanje oksitocina, ki znižuje stres in strahove, deluje kot antidepresiv, pospeši potrebo po socializaciji in povezovanju z drugimi. Pozitivne lastnosti pasjega karakterja in vedenja lahko izkoristimo v psihosocialnem svetovanju pri otrocih in mladostnikih z vedenjskimi in čustvenimi težavami. Ti otroci so že zaznamovani s slabimi življenjskimi izkušnjami in so razvili različne obrambne mehanizme, ki niso družbeno sprejemljivi. Pes v svetovalnem procesu predstavlja medij, ki jim poleg fizične sprostitve nudi še pozitivne izkušnje na področju samokontrole, motiviranosti, sodelovanja, vodenja, opazovanja in samokritičnosti. V diplomski nalogi na praktičnem primeru predstavimo, kako pes, kot pomočnik svetovalca, vpliva na mladostnika z vedenjskimi in čustvenimi težavami ter na sam proces svetovanja. Uporabili smo raziskovalno metodo študijo primera in se osredotočili na posamezni primer. Raziskava je kombinacija kvalitativnih in kvantitativnih dokazov. Pokazala je, da je v svetovalnem procesu vloga psa, kot so-terapevta izrednega pomena, v smislu podpore svetovalcu, kar bistveno pripomore k uspešnosti svetovalnega procesa.
Keywords:terapija s pomočjo živali, psihoterapija, psihosocialna pomoč, mladoletniki, vedenjske težave, čustvene težave, diplomske naloge
Year of publishing:2022
Publisher:[A. Pertoci]
Source:Nova Gorica
COBISS_ID:138095875 Link is opened in a new window
Note:Študijski program Psihosocialna pomoč;
Files:.pdf RAZ_Pertoci_Anita_i2022.pdf (696,55 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:The role of therapy dog in the couselling process with adolescents facing behavioral and emotional problems – a case study
Abstract:More and more children are facing behavioral and emotional problems; in the worst case, some end up in foster care. Children with traumatic experiences mostly have trouble with communications, learning and relationships with peers. Pet-assisted therapy is one of many approaches to come closer to children’s heart and help them through difficulties in therapy. In 1960s, child psychotherapist Boris Levinson suggested using animals as co-therapists, as they are supposed to help ‘break the ice’ with individuals who are a bit more guarded. Later, it was proven that dogs in consulting contribute in many other ways. Children are very aware, that animals do not judge them, making them a calm comfort. Petting animals also triggers releasing oxytocin, which lowers stress levels and fear, works and an antidepressant, speeds up the need for socialization and connection to others. The positive qualities of a dog’s attitude can be used in psychosocial counseling of children and adolescents with behavioral and emotional problems. These children are already marked by bad life experiences and have developed various defense mechanisms that are not socially acceptable. In the process, is the dog is the medium which, in addition to physical relaxation, offers them positive experience in the area of self-control, motivation, cooperation, leadership, observation and self- criticism. This work presents how a dog as a counsellor’s assistant, influences a young person with behavioral end emotional problems and the counselling process itself in a practical example. We used the case study research method and focused on an individual case. The research is a combination of qualitative and quantitative evidence. The research shows that in the counselling process, the role of the dog as a co-therapist is extremely important in terms of supporting the counsellor, contributing significantly to the successfulness of the counselling process.
