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Title:Pozitivni in negativni vplivi dela od doma na počutje zaposlenih v farmacevtskem podjetju v času epidemije Covid-19 : diplomska naloga
Authors:ID Cesar Grilc, Maja (Author)
ID Lamut, Urša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Cesar_Grilc_Maja_i2022.pdf (1,26 MB)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Epidemija Covid-19 je v naša življenja, poleg številnih sprememb, prinesla tudi novodobno obliko dela - delo od doma. Številni zaposleni po celem svetu so se, z namenom zajezitve virusa in ohranjanju zdravja, nenadoma selili v domače pisarne. Z raziskovalno nalogo smo preučili pozitivne in negativne vidike takšnega načina dela na zaposlene v farmacevtskem podjetju. S pomočjo strukturiranih intervjujev smo raziskali kako delo od doma vpliva na produktivnost in učinkovitost zaposlenih, na odnose znotraj oddelka ter poglobili znanje o vplivu takšega dela na psihofizično zdravje zaposlenih. Delo od doma, glede na dobljene podatke, predstavlja obliko dela, ki zaposlenemu omogoča, da se bolje prilagodi delu ter lastnim obveznostim, saj omogoča samostojno razporejanje delovnika. Takšna oblika zaposlitve ima poleg pozitivnih učinkov na okolje tudi številne pozitivne učinke na zaposlene. Zaposlenim omogoča fleksibilnost, možnost opravljanja dela v manj stresnem, domačem okolju, povečuje produktivnost in dobro počutje zaposlenih. Po drugi strani pa prinaša tudi kar nekaj negativnih vplivov med katerimi so v ospredju zmanjšana motivacija zaposlenih, ohlajanje odnosov na oddelku, preobremenjenost, slabša storilnost, zmanjšana učinkovitost, slabša komunikacija in povečan obseg dela zaposlenih. Raziskava je pokazala, da se tako negativni in pozitivni vplivi med seboj prepletajo, zato je izrednega pomena, da vsem zaposlenim, ki svoje delo opravljajo od doma, omogočimo, da si samostojno izberejo ali bodo delali od doma, v pisarni ali pa bodo izbrali kombiniran delovnik, ki omogoča izkoriščanje pozitivnih vplivov in zmanjšuje negativne vplive dela od doma. S tem jim pokažemo zaupanje in jim omogočimo izbiro, ki njim predstavlja idealni delovnik in jim omogoča, da, kar se da najbolje, izkoristijo svoje sposobnosti.
Keywords:delo od doma, Covid-19, učinkovitost, produktivnost, počutje zaposlenih, odnosi v ekipi, kombiniran delovnik, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Cesar Grilc]
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:40, [45] str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9541 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:137840899 New window
Note:Študijski program Uporabne družbene študije (UN);
Publication date in ReVIS:20.01.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The positive and negative impacts of working from home on the well-being of the employees in pharmaceutical company during the Covid-19 pandemic : diploma thesis
Abstract:The Covid-19 epidemic has brought us, in addition to many changes, a modern form of work – home office work. Many employees around the world have suddenly moved to their home offices in order to contain the virus and to protect their health. During our research, we examined the positive and negative aspects of home office work on employees in pharmaceutical company. The structured interviews helped us look into productivity and efficiency of employees during the time they worked from home. It also deepened our knowledge about the impact of such work on team spirit and psychophysical health of employees. Home office work is, according to the data obtained, a form of work that enables employees to coordinate work and home activities, as it allows a relatively independent work schedule. In addition to the positive effects on the environment, this form of employment also has a number of positive effects on employees. It allows them flexibility, the ability to work in a less stressful, home environment, increases productivity and employee well-being. Unfortunately, it also brings a lot of negative impacts, among which are reduced motivation, lowered team spirit, reduced productivity, reduced efficiency, reduced communication and increased workload for employees. Both negative and positive influences are intertwined, so it is extremely important to enable all employees, who do their work from home, to choose their workday independently. By doing so, we show them trust and give them a choice that represents an ideal working day for them and allows them to make the most of their abilities.
