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Title:Identifikacija modelov in stilov vodenja v zdravstveni negi v Splošni bolnišnici Jesenice : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega programa prve stopnje Zdravstvena nega
Authors:ID Jalen, Ani (Author)
ID Kaučič, Boris Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Filej, Bojana (Comentor)
Files:.pdf Jalen_Ani.pdf.pdf (362,81 KB)
MD5: 431D7678505105AB5318D8E22FD29B51
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZAB - Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care
Abstract:Model vodenja izhaja iz osnovne ideje, kako zaposlene motivirati za čim boljše delo, stil vodenja pa se nanaša na določen vzorec vedenja, ki ga uporablja vodja. Timsko delo je eden izmed izzivov v vsaki delovni organizaciji. Najbolj učinkovito je takrat, ko se ga lotimo sistematično, in v situacijah, ko je to potrebno. Cilj: Cilj diplomskega dela je identifikacija modelov in stilov vodenja ter stopnje timskega sodelovanja vzdravstveni negi v Splošni bolnišnici Jesenice. Metoda: Raziskava je temeljila na deskriptivni in kavzalno-neeksperimentalni metodi empiričnega raziskovanja. Kot instrument smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik, ki je bil razdeljen v štiri tematske sklope. Med vodje in zaposlene v zdravstveni negi v Splošni bolnišnici Jesenice smo razdelili 280 anketnih vprašalnikov, vrnjenihje bilo 137, kar predstavlja 48,9% realizacijo vzorca. Cronbachov Alpha koeficient posameznih delov vprašalnika je presegal prag 0,6. Za statistično obdelavo podatkov smo uporabili SPSS 15.0. Rezultati: Anketirane osebe so opredelile prisotnost transformacijskega modela vodenja kot najbolj prisotnega modela, saj naj bi bil zastopan po mnenju vodij v 48,89%, po mnenju zaposlenih pa v 41,55%. Pri stilih vodenja so vodje ocenili kot najbolj prisoten zavzeti stil (27,71%), zaposleni pa združevalni stil 26,19%. Stopnjo timskega sodelovanja so vodje ocenili s povprečno vrednostjo 4,26 na Likertovi lestvici od 1 do 5, zaposleni pa s povprecno vrednostjo 3,97. Primerjava znotraj skupine zaposlenih glede na stopnjo izobrazbe je pokazala, da zaposleni z visokošolsko izobrazbo zaznavajo transformacijski model (p=0,004) in zavzeti stil (p=0,025) v višji meri kot zaposleni s srednješolsko izobrazbo. Primerjava stopnje timskega sodelovanja ni potrdila statistično značilnega odgovora (p=0,053). Razprava: Rezultati raziskave kažejo na visoko zastopanost transformacijskega in zadovoljivo prisotnost transakcijskega modela vodenja, kar je v nasprotju s pričakovanji in podatki iz literature. Pri modelih vodenja ni bilo razhajanja v mnenju vodij in zaposlenih, saj so vsi ocenili, da je največkrat prisoten transformacijski model. Identifikacija stilov vodenja je vrnila razmeroma homogene odgovore, saj ni bilo večjih razlik med štirimi vrstami stilov, vodje so kot najbolj zastopan stil prepoznali zavzeti stil, zaposleni pa združevalni stil. Ocena timskega sodelovanja je dobra, tudi v tej kategoriji so vodje ocenili višjo stopnjo timskega sodelovanja kot zaposleni.
Place of publishing:Jesenice
Place of performance:Jesenice
Publisher:[A. Jalen]
Year of publishing:2010
Year of performance:2010
Number of pages:39 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-957 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:65984769 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:19.02.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract: Theoretical starting points: The management model begins with a basic idea as to how to motivate the employees for the best work, while the management style applies to a specific behavior pattern used by manager when working with people. Team work is one of the ways for dealing with work challenges in an organization. It is most effective when it is approached systematically and in situations where it is necessary. Goal: The goal of the thesis was to identify the models and management styles and the level of team work in health care in the Jesenice General Hospital. Method: The research was based on the descriptive and causal-non-experimental method of empiric research. A questionnaire was used as the research tool, which was divided into four sections. 280 questionnaires were distributed to the managers and employees of the Jesenice General Hospital, out of which 137 were returned, which is 48,9% sample realization. The Cronbach Alfa coefficients of individual segments of the questionnaire exceeded 0,6, which already represents an acceptable level of sample reliability. SPSS 15.0 was used for the statistical analysis. Results: The managers and the employees defined the presence of the transformational management model as the prevalentmodel, since it is said to be represented by 48,89% of the managers and 41,55% of the employees. 21,71% of the managers estimate that the dedicated style is most prevalent, while 26,19% of the employees believe that the integrated style is prevalent. The managers rated the level of teamwork with medial rating, giving it 4,26 on the 1 to 5 Likert scale. The employees gave a medial rating of 3,97. The comparison inside the group of employees in regard to their education shows that the employees with university degrees have detected a transformational model (0,004) and dedicated style (p=0,025) in higher level that the employees with high school degrees. Comparison of teamwork didn't return statistically significant result (p=0,053). Discussion:Contrary to our expectations in regard to the literature, the research results indicate significant prevalence of transformational and satisfactory presence of transactional management styles. There were no discrepancies in the opinion of managers and employees in regard to the management models since everyone believes that the transformational model is most prevalent. Management style identification gave relatively homogenous responses since there were no significant differences between the four management styles, with the managers recognizing the dedicated style as the most prevalent, while the employees recognized the integrated style. The assessment of teamwork is good, with the managers awarding the teamwork with a higher rating that the employees. Key words: heath care, management, leadership, management models, management styles, team work
