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Authors:ID Mencej, Žana (Author)
ID Videnšek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 1631$$zanamencej-diplomsko_delo_2.pdf (478,77 KB)
MD5: 10B25000FBF3741F12AE337391332A9E
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Dihanje je proces, o katerem redko razmišljamo in mu ne namenjamo pozornosti. To zagotovo ne drži za pljučne bolnike, ki se pomembnosti dihanja zelo dobro zavedajo. V skupino pljučnih bolnikov uvrščamo tudi astmatike. Astma je ena izmed bolezni dihal, ki je zelo razširjena in predstavlja veliko breme za družbo, tako z zdravstvenega kot ekonomskega vidika, predvsem zato, ker se v večji meri pojavlja pri otrocih, ki naj bi predstavljali zdrav del poulacije. Poleg tega gre za kronično bolezen, kar pomeni, da je pomembno, da vzpostavimo učinkovit model obravnave, ki je prilagojen posamezniku. Da bi olajšali življenje bolnikov z astmo, se tako poslužujemo številnih načinov zdravljenja. Poleg najpogostejše oblike – farmakološkega zdravljenja – imamo pomembno vlogo pri obravnavi astmatikov tudi fizioterapevti s specialnimi znanji z respiratornega področja, ki predstavljamo del multidisciplinarnega tima. Pri obravnavi astmatikov se respiratorni fizioterapevti poslužujemo predvsem tehnik za izboljšanje čiščenja dihalnih poti in kontrole dihanja, cilj pa je, da s pomočjo nabora različnih tehnik pacient doseže želene funkcionalne zmožnosti, ki mu omogočajo čim bolj normalno življenje. Respiratorna fizioterapija je že mnogo let eden izmed ključnih delov obravnave bolnikov z respiratornimi disfunkcijami, saj so se metode in tehnike, ki jih uporabljamo, izkazale za učinkovite, čeprav za nekatere še ne obstajajo dejanski dokazi iz raziskav. Pomembno je, da respiratorni fizioterapevti kontinuirano utrjujemo svoje znanje s področja anatomije, fiziologije in patologije ter da poznamo tehnike, ki jih uporabljamo pri svojem delu, in vemo, kakšen vpliv imajo le-te na mehaniko dihanja. Poleg tega je pomemben tudi individualni pristop, ki je prilagojen posameznikovim potrebam ter ozaveščanje javnosti o vlogi in prepoznavnosti respiratorne fizioterapije.
Keywords:astma, fizioterapija, respiratorna fizioterapija, pljučne bolezni, zdravljenje astme
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9674 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:151642883 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:26.04.2023
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Secondary language

Abstract:Breathing is a process that we rarely think about and do not pay much attention to. However, this is certainly not the case for pulmonary patients, who are acutely aware of the importance of breathing. Asthmatics are also included among pulmonary patients because asthma is a respiratory disease that is quite widespread and presents a significant burden from both a health and financial point of view. Reason for this is that it most often occurs in children, who otherwise represent healthy part of the population. In addition, it is a chronic disease, which means that it is very important to establish an effective treatment model that is tailored to the individual. To facilitate life for patients with asthma, a number of different treatments are used. In addition to the most common form – pharmacological treatment – physiotherapists with special knowledge of respiratory medicine (who are part of a multidisciplinary team) also play an important role in treating asthmatics. When treating them, respiratory physiotherapists primarily use techniques to improve airway clearance and breathing control. The goal is that with the range of different techniques patients can achieve the desired functional abilities that allow them to live as normally as possible. Respiratory physiotherapy has been one of the key parts of the treatment of patients with respiratory dysfunction for many years because the methods and techniques used have proven effective, although some require more robust research-based evidence. Above all, it is important that respiratory physiotherapists continuously strengthen all of our knowledge in anatomy, physiology, and pathology, and that we understand the techniques we use and what impact they have on the mechanics of respiration. We cannot forget the importance of an individual approach that is adapted to the patient’s needs and also raising public awarness of the role of respiratory physiotherapy.
Keywords:asthma, physiotherapy, respiratory physiotherapy, pulmonary/lung diseases, asthma treatment
