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Title:Čustvena in duhovna inteligentnost v sodobnem poslovnem okolju
Authors:ID Urbančič, Mateja (Author)
ID Kolar, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 271C54311A2F1202098A8396361D1842
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Vsi imamo različne osebnosti, različne želje in potrebe ter različne načine izkazovanja čustev. Krmarjenje skozi vse to zahteva taktnost in pamet – še posebej, če upamo, da bomo v življenju uspeli. Tu postane čustvena inteligentnost pomembna. V magistrski nalogi nas je zanimalo, če zaposleni uporabljajo sposobnosti čustvene in duhovne inteligentnosti v sodobnem poslovnem okolju. Duhovna inteligentnost je opredeljena kot človeška sposobnost postavljanja vprašanj o končnem pomenu življenja in integriranem odnosu med nami in svetom, v katerem živimo. Posledica tega je izboljšanje psihičnega blagostanja posameznikov in doseganje cilja v njihovem življenju. V magistrski nalogi smo empirično raziskovanje razdelili na dva dela. V kvantitativnem delu empirične raziskave smo z anketnim vprašalnikom ugotovili posamezne sposobnosti zaposlenih v poslovnem okolju, ki smo jih v kvalitativnem delu empirične raziskave s pomočjo poglobljenih vprašanj za intervjuje, primerjali med seboj ter jih povezovali s teorijo. Ugotovili smo, da je najbolj razvita sposobnost anketirancev za zaznavanje, ocenjevanje in izražanje čustev pri zaposlenih v sodobnem poslovnem okolju, ter da se zaposleni zavedajo, kdaj doživljajo spremembe razpoloženja. Najbolj razvita sposobnost zaposlenih, potrebna za čustveno spodbujanje mišljenja je, da jih svoja čustvena razpoloženja različno spodbujajo pri specifičnih problemih. Nadalje smo ugotovili, da je najbolj razvita sposobnost, potrebna za uporabo čustvenega znanja, da zaposleni interpretirajo pomen emocij, ki se nanašajo na odnose. Ugotovili smo, da zaposleni sprejemajo čustva, tako prijetna kot neprijetna, kar je njihova najbolj razvita sposobnost, potrebna za reflektivno regulacijo čustev za spodbujanje čustvene in intelektualne rasti v poslovnem okolju. Zaposleni razvitost kompetenc duhovne inteligentnosti izkazujejo kot zavezanost k osebni rasti in sprejemanju sočutnih in modrih odločitev. Hipotezo o nepoznavanju veščin čustvene inteligentnosti smo ovrgli, ker se zaposleni zavedajo veščin čustvene inteligentnosti, saj večina zaposlenih prepozna čustveno inteligentnost kot sposobnost globoke intuicije, sočutja in empatije.
Keywords:Čustvena inteligentnost, duhovna inteligentnost, poslovno okolje, sočutje, empatija, modrost.
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9727 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:03.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Emotional and spiritual intelligence in the modern business environment
Abstract:We all have different personalities, desires, needs, and different ways of expressing emotions. Navigating through all this requires tact and common sense – especially if we hope to succeed in life. This is where emotional intelligence becomes important. In the following research study, we were mainly concerned with, whether employees use their emotional and spiritual intelligence abilities in the modern business environment. Spiritual intelligence is defined as the ability to ask questions about the ultimate meaning of life and the integrational relationship between us and the world in which we live. This results in the improvement of individuals’ mental well-being and the achievement of their life goals. The study itself was divided into two parts: the quantitative part and the qualitative follow-up. In the quantitative part of the empirical analysis, we used a survey to identify the abilities of employees in relation to the business environment. In the qualitative part of the analysis, we performed in-depth interviews, in which we compared the previously discovered abilities and linked them to already established theories. We found that the most developed ability of respondents to perceive, assess and express emotions among employees in a modern business environment is to make employees aware of when they are experiencing mood changes. We found, that one of the most developed abilities in employees, which is necessary for emotionally stimulating thinking, is the ability to recognize that their emotional state affects their motivation to address their problems. Furthermore, we found that the most developed ability concerning the use of emotional knowledge is the ability to interpret the importance of emotions in relation to relationships. We also found that employees willingly confront both positive and negative emotions. This has proven to be the most influential ability in the reflective regulation of emotions, as it is paramount for emotional and intellectual growth in the business environment. Employees have demonstrated highly developed spiritual intelligence, through their commitment to personal growth and the making of compassionate and wise decisions. We have, therefore, disproven the hypothesis that the employees are not aware of the skills tied to emotional intelligence, as most of them recognize emotional intelligence in deep intuition, compassion, and empathy.
Keywords:Emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, business environment, compassion, empathy, wisdom.
