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Title:"Študirati ali delati?" - profil mladih, ki opravljajo študentsko delo
Authors:ID Mladenović, Jerca (Author)
ID Kovačič, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 3002$$zakljucno_delo.pdf (1,74 MB)
MD5: CDA87ACD7E1275F565DA4569C4E551D3
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Študentsko delo je zelo razširjena atipična oblika zaposlitve, namenjena mladim, ki se šolajo oziroma študirajo. S statusom dijaka ali študenta dobijo dovoljenje, da se vključijo na trg dela in tako že zelo zgodaj začnejo pridobivati prve delovne izkušnje ter oblikovati svojo karierno pot. Mladi so posebej ranljiva skupina, zato jih na trgu dela skrbno varujejo zakoni in predpisi, ki onemogočajo kakršno koli zlorabo. Najpogostejši razlog, da se mladi odločijo za delo v času izobraževanja je možnost, da pričnejo služiti svoj denar in nemalokrat je to celo edini vir, s katerim si pokrivajo stroške študija, študijske literature, morebitne nastanitve in bivanja v katerem od študijskih središč ter eksistence nasploh. Za lažje razumevanje smo najprej obširno preučili slovenski izobraževalni sistem, ki na sekundarnem in terciarnem nivoju daje mladim podlago za udeležbo na trgu dela. Ugotovili smo, da lahko mladi že pri dopolnjenih petnajstih letih, vzporedno z izobraževanjem, pričnejo tudi s študentskim delom, zato je prvi del naloge namenjen podrobnejšemu spoznavanju tega področja. Ugotovili smo, da gre za priljubljeno in pogosto obliko začasnega oziroma občasnega dela dijakov in študentov, ki ima številne prednosti, vendar tudi nekaj slabosti. Rdeča nit naloge je glavno raziskovalno vprašanje, ki ugotavlja, kakšne so značilnosti oseb, ki se poslužujejo študentskega dela. Zanimalo nas je kako status, smer, stopnja izobrazbe ter spol in starost vplivajo na izbiro študentskega dela. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšen profil mladega človeka se najpogosteje odloča za študentsko delo. Analizirali smo 372.280 anonimiziranih napotnic študentskega servisa Mjob, ki smo jih ustrezno razvrstili glede na spol, starost, status, vrsto, smer ter stopnjo izobraževanja, nato pa s statistično analizo preverjali dane hipoteze in iskali odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja. Ugotovili smo, da se za študentsko delo v času izobraževanja najpogosteje odloča ženska, starejša od 20 let, redna študentka na dodiplomskem študiju, naravoslovne smeri.
Keywords:izobraževanje, delo, trg dela, študent, dijak, študentsko delo
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9790 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:01.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:"Studying or working?" - profile of the youth who practice student work
Abstract:Student work is a widespread atypical form of employment for young people who are in education or training. With their student status, they are allowed to enter the labour market and thus start gaining their first work experience and shaping their career path from a very early age. Young people are a particularly vulnerable group and are therefore carefully protected in the labour market by laws and regulations that prevent any abuse. The most common reason young people choose to work while they are in education is the opportunity to start earning their own money, which is often the only source of income they have to cover the costs of their studies, study materials, possible accommodation and living costs at a study centre, even their general existence. To help us understand this, we first looked extensively at the Slovenian educational system, which at secondary and tertiary level provides the basis for young people to participate in the labour market. We have found that young people can start student work at the age of 15, alongside their education, and the first part of the thesis is therefore devoted to learning more about this area. We have found that it is a popular and common form of temporary or casual work for pupils and students, which has many advantages but also some disadvantages. The main research question identifies the characteristics of people who engage in student work. We are interested in how status, field of study, level of education, gender and age influence the choice of student work. The aim of the research was to identify the profile of young people who most often choose student work. We analyzed 372.280 anonymised referrals from the Mjob student service, which were classified according to gender, age, status, type, course and level of education, and then used statistical analysis to test the hypotheses and answer the research questions. We found that the most frequent person to choose a student job during their education is a woman aged over 20, a full-time undergraduate student in natural sciences.
Keywords:education, work, labour market, student, student work
