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Authors:ID Gantar, Žan Antonio (Author)
ID Pavlič Založnik, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 1686$$diplomska_naloga_-_ucinkovitost_zivcno-misicne_elektricne_stimulacije_na_zmogljivost_kvadricepsa_po_rekonstrukciji_sprednje_krizne_vezi_(4).pdf (1,18 MB)
MD5: 8BDB2F16CDE3128F7B8C2A2517A5BBFC
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Sprednja križna vez (v nadaljevanju: ACL) je eden izmed štirih ključnih ligamentov, ki zagotavlja pasivno stabilnost kolenskega sklepa. Poškodba ACL je ena izmed najpogostejših poškodb kolena tako v primeru splošne populacije kot med športniki, za katero je značilna dolga rehabilitacija. Najpogosteje nastane kot posledica preobremenitve v primeru vsakodnevnih ali športnih aktivnosti, kot so prisilni zasuk, padec ali udarec v koleno. Posameznik ob pretrganju ACL zasliši ali občuti pok, kasneje se pojavi oteklina, bolečina in omejena gibljivost kolena. Moč kvadricepsa se lahko v takem primeru močno zmanjša, postopoma pa se pojavi tudi izguba mišične mase. Obvezna je postavitev diagnoze, s katero ugotovimo, ali bo potrebno samo konzervativno zdravljenje ali operativna rekonstrukcija ACL. V primeru rekonstrukcije ACL je pomembna predoperativna rehabilitacija, po operaciji pa postoperativna rehabilitacija, ki traja do 24 tednov po operaciji. V prvih tednih skrbimo za zmanjševanje bolečine in za aktivacijo mišic, kasneje pa s ciljanimi vajami obremenimo in poskrbimo za izboljšanje gibalnih vzorcev, mišično asimetrijo, pridobivanje mišične moči ter povrnitev zmogljivosti kvadricepsa. Z uporabo živčno-mišične električne stimulacije (v nadaljevanju: NMES) pri rehabilitaciji po rekonstrukciji ACL pripomoremo k bistveno hitrejši krepitvi mišic, povečanju mišične mase in preprečevanju mišične atrofije. NMES naj bi v obdobju imobilizacije prav tako pomagala pri hitrejšem povečanju moči in zmogljivosti kvadricepsa. Raziskovalne študije se v zadnjem času pogosto ukvarjajo z obravnavo rehabilitacije na podlagi načrtovanega programa po rekonstrukciji ACL. Prav tako jih zanima učinkovitost in souporaba NMES pri povečanju moči kvadricepsa ter hitrejšem ponovnem obsegu gibanja in vrnitvi k aktivnostim. Rezultati so pokazali, da ima zdravljenje z NMES kot dodatna podpora pri rehabilitaciji v prvih 4 tednih po operaciji bistveno boljše rezultate pri aktivaciji, moči in zmanjšanju atrofije mišic. Glavni cilj rehabilitacije po rekonstrukciji ACL je povrnitev gibanja na prejšnjo raven. Uporaba kombinacije vadbe in NMES je pokazala večje izboljšanje moči in zmogljivost kvadricepsa. Posledično tudi funkcionalnost gibanja v prvih 4 tednih po operaciji, kar kaže na kakovostno rešitev v primeru učinkovite rekonstrukcije ACL.
Keywords:rekonstrukcija ACL, živčno-mišična električna stimulacija, kvadriceps, klinične raziskave
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9815 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:159168259 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:07.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Efficiency of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on quadriceps capacityafter anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Abstract:The ACL ligament is one of the four key ligaments that ensure the pasive stability of the knee joint. At the same time, ACL injury is one of the most common knee injuries both in the general population and among athletes, which is characterized by long rehabilitation. ACL injury most commonly occurs as a result of overload in the case of daily or sporting activities such as a forced twist, fall, or blow to the knee. An individual hears or feels a bang when the ACL is broken, and later swelling, pain, and limited knee mobility occur. The strength of the quadriceps can be greatly reduced in such a case, and a gradual loss of muscle mass also occurs. It is mandatory to make a diagnosis to determine whether only conservative treatment with exercise will be necessary, or whether it is mandatory to reconstruct the ACL, which is performed with the help of surgery. In the case of ACL reconstruction, preoperative rehabilitation is mandatory and postoperative rehabilitation, which lasts up to 24 weeks after surgery. In the first weeks we take care of reducing pain and activating muscles, but later we use exercises to improve movement patterns, muscle asymmetry, gain muscle strength and restore quadriceps capacity. The use of NMES in rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction helps to strengthen muscles, increase muscle mass and prevent muscle atrophy. NMES is also expected to help increase the strength and capacity of the quadriceps more rapidly during the immobilization period. Recently, research studies have often focused on rehabilitation based on a planned program after ACL reconstruction and the effectiveness of NMES sharing in increasing quadriceps strength and faster recovery and return to activity. The results showed that treatment with NMES, as an additional support in rehabilitation in the first 4 weeks after surgery, has significantly better results in mouse activity and strength and reduction of muscle atrophy. The main goal of rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction is to restore movement to the previous level. The use of a combination of exercise and NMES showed a greater improvement in the strength and performance of the quadriceps and consequently the functionality of movement in the first 4 weeks after surgery, which indicates a quality solution in the case of effective ACL reconstruction.
Keywords:reconstruction of ACL, NMES, quadriceps, clinical research
