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Title:Kontekstualni dejavniki in placebo učinek v fizioterapevtski obravnavi
Authors:ID Grošelj, Laura (Author)
ID Umek, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Umek, Peter (Comentor)
Files:.pdf 1726$$diplomsko_delo_groselj_kd_in_pu_v_fto.pdf (2,08 MB)
MD5: 784711F68B9325AAC90B95D542E7BB77
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Fizioterapija spada med bolj interaktivne in časovno obsežnejše zdravstvene obravnave, kar poudarja pomen njene psihosocialne komponente, torej konteksta, v katerem poteka. Učinek placeba je eden izmed na kontekst vezanih učinkov, ki ga spodbuja vrsta kontekstualnih dejavnikov. V diplomskem delu smo podrobneje pregledali in predstavili mehanizme njegovega delovanja, opredelili njegov klinični pomen za fizioterapevtsko prakso in navedli najpomembnejše izmed kontekstualnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na izid fizioterapevtske obravnave. Zanimal nas je predvsem klinični pomen konteksta za področje fizioterapije, konkretno način ravnanja s kontekstualnimi dejavniki v korist kakovosti obravnave in rezultatov izida. Vključili smo raziskave, ki preverjajo vpliv nespecifičnih vidikov zdravljenja, kot so značilnosti fizioterapevta (in drugih zdravstvenih delavcev) in pacienta, odnos med njima ter značilnosti samega zdravljenja in okolja, v katerem zdravljenje poteka. Ugotovili smo, da je področje razmeroma slabo raziskano in nekateri izmed dejavnikov vpliva niso potrjeni specifično za fizioterapevtsko prakso, temveč za njej sorodna področja, zato je pomembnost določenih raziskav za področje fizioterapije vprašljiva. Relevantne raziskave potrjujejo številne dejavnike vpliva in prikazujejo, da so le-ti med seboj prepleteni, mehanizmi njihovega delovanja pa raznoliki. Nekateri dejavniki na izid fizioterapevtske obravnave vplivajo samostojno, drugi pa posredno z vplivom na pojav učinka placeba. Najbolj dosledni so dokazi vpliva odnosne komponente dejavnikov, ki vključuje tako pacientov kot fizioterapevtov vidik in terapevtski odnos, ki ga sooblikujeta. Odnosni dejavniki niso zgolj najbolj potrjeni izmed kontekstualnih dejavnikov, temveč tudi najbolj neodvisni in prilagodljivi s strani posameznega fizioterapevta, ki je v največji meri odgovoren za kakovost terapevtskega odnosa. Zdravljenje nikoli ne poteka neodvisno od zunanjih okoliščin in kontekst obravnave vpliva na potek in izid zdravljenja ne glede na to, ali ga zdravstveni delavci prepoznavajo in prilagajajo. Informiranost stroke o pojavu zato ni le koristna, temveč tudi najbolj odgovorna in etična izbira.
Keywords:fizioterapija, placebo učinek, kontekstualni dejavniki, kontekst fizioterapevtske obravnave
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9854 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:169108739 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:21.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Contextual factors and the placebo effect within physiotherapy treatment
Abstract:Physiotherapy is one of the more interactive and lengthy medical treatments, which emphasizes the importance of its psychosocial component, i.e., its context. The placebo effect is one of the context-related effects, promoted by numerous contextual factors. In this graduation thesis, we examined and presented the mechanisms of placebo’s action in more detail, defined its clinical significance for physiotherapy and listed the most important contextual factors that influence the outcome of physiotherapy treatment. We were mainly interested in the clinical involvement of the placebo for the field of physiotherapy, specifically the way of manipulating the context in favor of the quality of the treatment and the results of the outcome. We included research, examining the influence of non-specific aspects of treatment, such as the characteristics of the physiotherapist (and other health professionals) and the patient, the relationship between them, and characteristics of the treatment itself and the environment in which the treatment takes place. We discovered that the field is researched relatively poorly and some of the influencing factors have not been confirmed specifically for physiotherapy practice, but rather its related fields, so the importance of certain studies remains questionable for the field of physiotherapy. Relevant studies confirm numerous influencing factors and show they are intertwined and have different underlying mechanisms. Some factors influence physiotherapy outcomes independently and others by promoting the placebo effect. The relational component of factors, which includes both the patient's and the physiotherapist's perspective and the therapeutic relationship that they co-shape, presents the most consistent evidence. Not only are relational factors the most established among contextual factors, they are also the most independent and easily manipulated by individual physiotherapists, who are responsible for the quality of the therapeutic relationship to the greatest extent. Treatment never occurs independently of external circumstances, and its context affects the course and the outcome of treatment whether health professionals realize and manipulate it. The awareness of the phenomenon by health professionals is therefore not only useful, but also the most responsible and ethical choice.
Keywords:physiotherapy, placebo effect, contextual factors, context of physiotherapy treatment
