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Title:Protesti kot oblika politične participacije
Authors:ID Mekanović, Semira (Author)
ID Kukovič, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: A6423D0B82480D210E0D4BBF5F8458D1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V diplomskem delu proučujemo koncept politične participacije ter analiziramo njene različne oblike. Po mnenju van Detha (2021) so glavne značilnosti politične participacije jasne in nesporne. Politična participacija je razumljena kot dejavnost (ali dejanje), denimo preprosto gledanje televizije ali zanimanje za politiko, ki pa še ne pomeni udeležbe. Politična udeležba je prostovoljna in ni ukazana s strani vladajočih. Nadalje van Deth (2021) razlaga, da se sodelovanje nanaša na dejavnosti ljudi, ki so v vlogi neprofesionalcev oziroma amaterjev. Politična udeležba torej zadeva vlado, politiko ali državo in ni omejena na določene faze (kot so parlamentarni postopki odločanja ali izvrševanje zakonov), na določene ravni ali področja (kot so državne volitve ali stiki s strankarskimi funkcionarji). Torej vsaka prostovoljna, nepoklicna dejavnost, ki zadeva vlado, politiko ali državo, je vzorec politične participacije. Protesti so nekonvencionalna oblika politične participacije in smo jih v diplomskem delu podrobneje analizirali kot študijo primera, pri čemer smo se osredotočili na proteste v Republiki Sloveniji, ki so se začeli spomladi leta 2020, po padcu vlade Marjana Šarca, in še pred uradnim formiranjem tretje vlade Janeza Janše. V času omejevalnih ukrepov proti širjenju covida-19 so ljudje začeli najprej protestirati doma (na balkonih in oknih), kasneje pa so protestniki začeli izvajati shode na kolesih, ki so tradicionalno potekali vsak teden ob petkih. V empiričnem delu smo ugotovili pomanjkanje dialoga in sodelovanja pri reševanju zdravstvene krize na vseh ravneh. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da sodobni protesti sicer niso platforma za spreminjanje sveta, a Krastev (2014) trdi, da politični reformizem priznava, da je svet nepopoln, hkrati pa verjame, da ga je mogoče izboljšati.
Keywords:politična participacija, nekonvencionalna politična participacija, protesti, vlada Janeza Janše, covid-19, PCT omejitve.
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9868 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:04.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Protests as a form of political participation
Abstract:This thesis analyzes the concept of political participation, and its various forms. Van Deh (2021) claims, that the main characteristics of political participation are clear and indisputable. First, it is understood as an activity (or action) – simply watching TV or being interested in politics does not constitute participation. Second, political participation is voluntary and not ordered by the ruling class or bound by some law. Third, cooperation refers to the activities of the people in their role as non-professionals or amateurs and not, politicians, civil servants, or lobbyists. Fourth, political participation concerns government, politics, or the country in general terms and is not limited to specific stages (such as parliamentary decision-making processes or the execution of laws) or to specific levels or areas (such as national elections or contacts with party officials). So any voluntary, non-professional activity that concerns government, politics or the country is an example of political participation. Protests are an unconventional form of political participation, which we analyzed in more detail as a case study, as we focused on protests in the Republic of Slovenia that began in the spring of 2020 after the fall of the government of Marjan Šarec and before the official formation of the third government of Janez Janša. During the restrictive measures against the spread of Covid-19, people began to protest on balconies and windows. Later, protesters began to hold mobile rallies on bicycles, which traditionally took place every week on Fridays. We also considered the protests from a social-psychological point of view. In the empirical part, we found a lack of dialogue and cooperation in solving the health crisis, and that it would be easier and more successful to face it, if there was more dialogue and cooperation, at all levels. It has been established that modern protests are not a platform for changing the world, and Krastev (2014) confirms that political reformism recognizes that the world is imperfect, and also believes that it can be improved.
Keywords:political participation, unconventional political participation, protests, Janez Janša's government, Covid-19, PCT restrictions.
