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Title:Vpliv družbenih omrežij na delo spletnih novinarjev
Authors:ID Lisjak, Mitja (Author)
ID Rek, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 3109$$zakljucno_delo.pdf (1,30 MB)
MD5: CBD57C8C1BC6E20074452ACDFF183C75
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Živimo v svetu, kjer smo ves čas obdani z medijskimi vsebinami, bodisi prek družbenih omrežij bodisi prek različnih novičarskih portalov. Tehnološki razvoj je spremenil naše navade, prek pametnih telefonov lahko kadar koli in kjer koli preverjamo utrip sveta. Kaj se dogaja v svetu zabave, športa, politike, kulture, vse je na dosegu roke. Omenjeni razvoj je spremenil tudi način novinarskega dela, zlasti dela spletnih novinarjev, kjer je čim hitrejša objava vesti oziroma novice vedno prioriteta. To pa za novinarja predstavlja kopico pasti, ki se jim mora za kredibilnost svojega izdelka v najširšem loku izogniti. Iz tega vidika nas torej zanima, kakšen vpliv imajo družbena omrežja na spletne novinarje pri svojem delu. V ta namen smo v teoretičnem delu te magistrske naloge najprej podrobno predstavili nastanek interneta ter svetovnega spleta, pojma splet 2.0 in splet 3.0, ter opredelili spletno in državljansko novinarstvo. Ob tem smo se dotaknili vloge družbenih omrežij pri pregledovanju novic, kjer smo uporabili kvantitativne raziskave za Slovenijo, in poseben poudarek namenili družbenim omrežjem kot orodje pri novinarskem delu. V empiričnem delu smo opravili šest intervjujev, iz katerih smo želeli izluščiti prednosti in slabosti družbenih omrežij za novinarsko delo. Zanimalo nas je, kako spletni novinarji dojemajo lažne novice, ki se lahko zelo hitro razširijo po družbenih omrežjih, in odnos kvalificiranih novinarjev do državljanjskega novinarstva. Za konec smo spregovorili o integriteti in prihodnosti novinarstva v dobi družbenih omrežij. Z empirično metodo smo ugotovili, da imajo družbena omrežja pozitiven vpliv na delo spletnih novinarjev, a le s predpodstavko, da novinarji (pre)poznajo vse pasti, ki jih ta omrežja predstavljajo.
Keywords:spletno novinarstvo, družbena omrežja, državljansko novinarstvo, internet, svetovni splet, splet 2.0, splet 3.0
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9874 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:10.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of social networks on the work of online journalists
Abstract:We live in a world, where we are constantly surrounded by media content, either through social networks or through various news portals. Technological development has changed our habits, through smartphones we can check the pulse of the world anytime and anywhere. What is happening in the world of entertainment, sports, politics, culture, everything is at our fingertips. The aforementioned development has also changed the way journalists work, specifically online journalists, where the fastest possible publication of news is always a priority. For the journalist, this represents a bunch of traps that he has to avoid for the credibility of his product. We are therefore interested to what degree social networks influence on online journalists in their work. For this purpose, in the theoretical part of this master's thesis, we first presented in detail the emergence of the internet and the world wide web, the concepts of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, and defined online and citizen journalism. At the same time, we brushed on the role of social networks in news consumption, where we used quantitative research for Slovenia, and gave special emphasis to social networks as a tool in journalistic work. In the empirical part, we conducted six interviews, from which we wanted to extract the advantages and disadvantages of social networks for journalistic work. We were interested in how online journalists perceive fake news, which can spread very quickly through social networks, and the attitude of qualified journalists towards citizen journalism. Finally, we talked about the integrity and future of journalism in the age of social networks. Using an empirical method, we found out that social networks have a positive influence on online journalists, but only on the premise that journalists famirilise themselves with all the traps that these networks represent.
Keywords:online journalism, social networks, citizen journalism, internet, world wide web, web 2.0, web 3.0
