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Authors:Čopi, Teresa (Author)
Karajić, Emil (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Uvod: Uspešno spopadanje s stresom na delovnem mestu prinaša večjo učinkovitost in motiviranost delavcev, zato so delovni pogoji ključnega pomena za uspešnost podjetja. Raziskave potrjujejo pozitivni vpliv prisotnosti psov v delovnem okolju na zmanjševanje stresa zaposlenih, kljub temu pa se v slovenskem prostoru s tovrstno prakso srečujemo redkeje in zaradi vse večjega govora o preobremenjenosti in stresu lahko dana tema odpira možnosti za preoblikovanje delovnih pogojev. Z raziskavo smo preverjali, v kolikšni meri lahko pes dejansko nastopa kot dejavnik zmanjševanja stresa zaposlenih. Metode: Za raziskovanje je bil uporabljen kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop. V namenski vzorec je bilo zajetih 10 oseb, zaposlenih v različnih podjetjih, ki na delovno mesto vozijo svojega psa. S polstrukturiranimi intervjuji, izvedenimi v živo (z 1 intervjuvancem), preko spletne platforme Zoom (z 8 intervjuvanci) ter preko telefona (z 1 intervjuvancem), smo preverjali, kako ob prisotnosti psa zaznavajo stres na delovnem mestu. Intervjuje smo obdelali s pomočjo kvalitativne vsebinske analize. Rezultati: Vsi intervjuvanci poročajo o pozitivnih vplivih psa na zaznavanje stresa v delovnem okolju. 70 % intervjuvancev v stresnih situacijah išče stik s psom, najpogosteje se zatekajo k božanju psa. 90 % intervjuvancev poroča o nižji ravni stresa ob dnevih, ko je pes prisoten z njimi v službi kot takrat, ko ga ni. Rezultati kažejo, da lahko pes bistveno izboljša vzdušje v kolektivu (100 %) ter pomaga pri lažjem navezovanju stikov (100 %). Kljub slabostim, ki jih pes vnaša v delovno okolje, intervjuvanci tovrstno politiko ocenjujejo kot koristno. Diskusija in zaključek: Pes lahko nastopa kot pomemben blažilec stresa zaposlenih, čeprav se tovrstne povezave morda vedno ne zavedamo, kar je morda tudi razlog, da o politiki psov na delovnem mestu slišimo redkeje. Kljub pozitivnim učinkom pa lahko vendarle pes nastopa tudi kot moteč dejavnik, ki zmanjšuje pozornost zaposlenih ter je v primeru velikega stresa lahko celo nezaželen.
Keywords:stres v delovnem okolju, pes na delovnem mestu, počutje zaposlenih, sproščeno delovno okolje, božanje psa, terapevtski učinki psa
Year of publishing:2023
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Secondary language

Abstract:Introduction: Successfuly coping with stress in the workplace leads to greater efficiency and motivation of workers. Therefore, working conditions are crucial for the company's success. Researches confirm the positive impact of the presence of dogs in the workplace on reducing the stress of employees. In Slovenia, however, this practice is less common and due to the increasing talk of overwork and stress, the mentioned topic can open up possibilities for transformation of working conditions. Utilizing this research, we were figuring out to what extent a dog can act as an employee’s stress-reducing factor. Methods: A qualitative research approach was used for this research. The purposive sample included 10 people employed in various companies who bring their dogs to the workplace. Utilizing semi-structured interviews conducted live (1 interviewee) via the Zoom online platform (8 interviewees) and over the phone (1 interviewee), we checked how they perceive stress in the workplace in the presence of dogs. We processed interviews with the help of qualitative content analysis. Results: All interviewees report positive effects of the dog on the perception of stress in the work environment. 70% of interviewees look for contact with a dog in stressful situations. Most often, they resort to stroking the dog. 90% of interviewees report a lower level of stress on days when the dog is present with them at work than when it is not. Results also show that a dog can significantly improve the atmosphere in a team (100%) and help make contacts easier (100%). Despite the disadvantages that dog brings to the working environment, interviewees find this type of policy beneficial. Discussion and conclusion: A dog can act as an important stress reliever for employees although we may not always be aware of this connection, which may be the reason why we hear less about the policies of a dog in the workplace. Despite the positive effects, the dog can also act as a disturbing factor that reduces the attention of employees and can even be undesirable in cases of great stress.
Keywords:stress in the workplace, dog in the workplace, employee wellbeing, relaxed workplace, petting a dog, therapeutic effects of a dog
