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Title:Mobbing in sindrom izgorelosti pri varnostnem osebju v zasebnem varovanju
Authors:ID Bernik, Biba (Author)
ID Ljubotina, Predrag (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 4180$$zakljucno_delo.pdf (1,03 MB)
MD5: B4586516CA7C05A7FFCF51F9210FB244
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Področje zasebnega varovanja je z vidika raziskav zelo slabo zastopano. Prav tako je zelo malo znanstveno podprtih strokovnih člankov ali druge literature, ki se dotika tematike mobbinga in sindroma izgorelosti ter njune povezave in vplivanja na delo, ki ga ponujajo zasebno varnostna podjetja kot na posameznika oziroma varnostno osebje. Diplomska naloga je tako eden od začetnih temeljev, ki raziskuje področje mobbinga in sindroma izgorelosti pri varnostnem osebju ter pomaga doumeti, kako nevarni so lahko vplivi omenjenih pojavov na okolico in na samo psihofizično sposobnost. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti prisotnost in povezanost mobbinga ter sindroma izgorelosti, raziskati vplive elementov mobbinga na sindrom izgorelosti in ključne dejavnike, povezane s psihofizično sposobnostjo varnostnega osebja ter nenazadnje prav tako opozoriti na potencialne nevarnosti, s katerim se srečuje varnostno osebje vsakodnevno, zaradi prisotnosti mobbinga in vpliva na sindrom izgorelosti. Empirični del temelji na kvantitativni metodologiji, ki je bila obravnavana na vzorcu dvestosedeminštiridesetih anketiranih, s katero smo ugotavljali povezave in vplive mobbinga na sindrom izgorelosti. Zaznana je bila prisotnost obeh pojavov ter dokazan vpliv mobbinga na sindrom izgorelosti. S pridobljenimi rezultati in ugotovitvami bo lažje razumeti, predvideti ter oceniti možna tveganja pri samem delu tako za posameznika kot, kakšen vpliv bi lahko slednje imelo na delo in posledično na zasebno varnostno podjetje. Z večjo prepoznavnostjo tveganj nameravamo vzpodbuditi razmišljanje o preventivnem ukrepanju in njegovem udejanjanju.
Keywords:mobbing, sindrom izgorelosti, varnostno osebje, psihofizična sposobnost, varnost, nevarnost
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9921 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:16.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Mobbing and burnout syndrome of security personnel in private security
Abstract:The field of private security in Slovenia is very poorly represented in terms of research. There are also very few scientifically supported professional articles or other literature on the topic of mobbing and burnout syndrome and their connection and influence on the work offered by private security companies as an individual or security personnel. The diploma thesis is thus one of the initial foundations, which investigates the area of mobbing and burnout syndrome among security personnel and helps to understand how dangerous the effects of the aforementioned phenomena can be on the environment and on the psychophysical ability of security personel itself. The purpose of the research is to determine the presence and connection between mobbing and burnout syndrome, to investigate the effects of elements of mobbing on burnout syndrome and key factors related to the psychophysical ability of security personnel and, last but not least, to point out the potential dangers that security personnel face on a daily basis due to the presence of mobbing and its impact on burnout syndrome . The empirical part is based on a quantitative methodology, which was presented on a sample of 247 respondents, with which we determined the connections and effects of mobbing on the burnout syndrome. The presence of both phenomena was detected, and the impact of mobbing on the burnout syndrome was proven. With the obtained results and findings, it will be easier to understand, predict and evaluate possible risks in the work itself, both for the individual and what impact this could have on the work and, consequently, on the private security company. With a greater recognition of risks, we want to encourage thinking about preventive action and its implementation.
Keywords:mobbing, burnout syndrome, security personnel, psychophysical ability, safety, danger
