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Title:Motivacija in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih
Authors:ID Nuhanović, Esmira (Author)
ID Kukovič, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: AB1FD788CB16D3525937F16EB42090BA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi smo proučevali temo motivacije in zadovoljstva zaposlenih.Motivacijo razumemo kot sredstvo, s katerim vodja vpliva na obnašanje zaposlenih. Vsak zaposleni je bistven in pomemben za prispevek in razvoj podjetja. Motiviran je z različnimi materialnimi ali nematerialnimi sredstvi. Motivacija je težka in zahtevna, saj od vodje zahteva poznavanje želja in potreb vsakega zaposlenega, da je čim bolj motiviran in zadovoljen z delom. Motivacija in zadovoljstvo stapovezana, saj če so zaposleni motivirani in pripravljeni za delo, se v podjetju ustvarja pozitivna energija, ki ustvarja občutek zadovoljstva.Cilj diplomske naloge je bil prikazati, kako lahko motivacija vpliva na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih na njihovem delovnem mestu in kaj vpliva na motivacijo zaposlenih. V drugem delu smo opredelili pojem zadovoljstva zaposlenih in pojasnili vpliv zadovoljstva zaposlenih na uspeh podjetja. Definirali smo zadovoljstvo pri delu in raziskali, kako povečati zadovoljstvo pri delu za boljšo rast zaposlenih. Predstavili smo načine dobre komunikacije z vodjo in zaposlenimi. Z izvedbo lastne empirične raziskave smo ugotovili, da so dejavniki, ki vplivajo na motivacijo in zadovoljstvo pri delu vsakega zaposlenega, plača, ki pušča trajen pečat pri delu, odnosi z vodjo in sodelavci ter učenje in razvijanje obstoječih in novih veščin. Redno ocenjevanje delovne uspešnosti, strokovno usposabljanje in priznavanje dosežkov terredne povratne informacije o uspešnosti vodijo k večji motivaciji za delo. Po raziskavi, v kateri smo dobili podatke, da vsaka oseba, ki je motivirana za delo, bolje opravlja svoje naloge na delovnem mestu, smo prišli do zaključka, da je motivacija odvisna od zadovoljstva. Vsak vodja mora svoje zaposlene motivirati in čim več komunicirati o njihovih težavah in napredku.
Keywords:motivi, motivacijske teorije, motivacija, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, vodja.
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9933 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:20.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Employee motivation and satisfaction
Abstract:In the thesis, we studied the topic of employee motivation and satisfaction. We understand motivation as a means by which a leader influences the behavior of employees. Every employee is essential and important for the company's contribution and development. They are motivated by various material or non-material means. Motivation is difficult and demanding, as it requires the manager to know the wishes and needs of each employee so that they are as motivated and satisfied with their work as possible. Motivation and satisfaction are connected, because if employees are motivated and ready to work, positive energy is created in the company, which creates a feeling of satisfaction. The goal of the thesis was to show how motivation can affect the satisfaction of employees at their workplace and what affects motivation employees. In the second part, we defined the concept of employee satisfaction and explained the impact of employee satisfaction on the company's success. We defined job satisfaction and investigated how to increase job satisfaction for better employee growth. We presented ways of good communication with the leader and employees. According to the research, the factors that affect the motivation and job satisfaction of each employee are the salary, which leaves a lasting impression at work, relationships with the leader and colleagues, and learning and developing existing and new skills. Regular evaluation of work performance, professional training and recognition of achievements or always feedback on performance lead to greater motivation to work. According to the research, in which we received data that every person who is motivated to work, performs his tasks better at the workplace, we came to the conclusion that motivation depends on satisfaction. Every leader must motivate his employees and communicate about their problems and progress as soon as possible.
Keywords:motives, motivational theories, motivation, employee satisfaction, leader
