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Title:Pojav stresa pri mladih odraslih ženskah
Authors:ID Zupančič, Valentina (Author)
ID Karajić, Emil (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: BE0B86227A9A509172A47EFDEA94C434
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali enega najpogostejših sopotnikov današnjega časa – stres in njegovo pojavnosti pri mladih odraslih ženskah. V prvem sklopu teoretičnega dela smo odgovorili na vprašanja, kaj je stres, kakšna je zgodovina raziskovanja le-tega, kaj so stresorji ter kakšne vrste stresa in stresorjev poznamo, kako stres prepoznamo, kakšne so njegove faze, kaj je stresna reakcija ... V nadaljevanju smo področje povezali s celotno temo naše naloge. Opisali smo značilnosti razvojnega obdobja mladih odraslih ter raziskali vlogo žensk nekoč in danes. V empiričnem delu naloge smo izvedli raziskavo s pomočjo kvalitativne metodologije. Intervjuvali smo 10 žensk, ki so izpolnjevale kriterije za sodelovanje. Pogoji za sodelovanje so bili, da so ženske samske, v starostnem obdobju mladih odraslih in imajo stalno prebivališče v Koroški regiji. Rezultati raziskave so bili v skladu z našimi pričakovanji, brez večjih odstopanj. Na lestvici ocene stresa od 1 do 10 (kjer 1 pomeni zelo malo in 10 zelo veliko) so intervjuvanke povprečno ocenile svoje trenutno stanje s številom 3. V večini jim stres povzroča študij in/ali službena obveznost, pogosto pa so prisotne skrbi o prihodnosti in težave s socialnimi stiki. Kar zadeva doživljanje stresa in občutka preobremenjenosti zaradi spola so tri intervjuvanke podale odgovor, da le-ta ne vpliva na pojav stresa v njihovem življenju, prav tako so tri ženske mnenja, da se zaradi spola trenutno ne čutijo preobremenjene. Ostale, ki so se s to povezavo strinjale (4), so podale različne odgovore, ki se dotikajo doživljanja stresa zaradi občutka varnosti, družbenega pritiska, kariere in odnosov nasploh. Kljub mnenju štirih intervjuvank, da se trenutno ne čutijo preobremenjene, je prisotno zavedanje, da se v prihodnosti, zaradi usklajevanja družinskih in službenih zadev, to lahko spremeni. Na koncu raziskave smo vse rezultate prikazali tudi v poglavju »Predstavitev rezultatov«.
Keywords:stres, ženske, mladi odrasli, spol, preobremenjenost
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9968 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:30.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The occurrence of stress in young adult women
Abstract:In the thesis, we researched the occurrence of stress in young adult women's lives. At the beggining we formulated what stress is, the history of research into it, what are stressors and which types of stress and stressors do we know, how to recognize it, its phases, what is a stress reaction ... Furthermore we described the characteristics of the development period of young adults and researched the role of women then and now. In the empirical part of the thesis we did the research using a qualitative method. We interviewed 10 women who met all the conditions for participation such as being single, in the age group of young adults and having permanent residence in the Koroška region. The results of the survey were in line with our expectations, without major deviations. On a scale rating of stress from 1 - 10 (where 1 means very little and 10 very much), the interviewees mostly rated their current situation on average with a number 3. Most of them feel that stress is caused by their studies and/or work obligations, but there are also worries about the future and problems with socializing. As for experiencing stress and feeling overwhelmed by gender, half of the interviewees (3) answered that it does not affect the occurrence of stress in their lives and also three interviewees believe that they do not currently feel overwhelmed by their gender. Others who agreed with this connection (4) gave a variety of answers about experiencing stress due to a sense of security, social pressure, career and relationship in general. Despite the opinion of four interviewees that they do not currently feel overburdened, there is an awareness that this may change in the future due to the coordination of family and work matters. At the end of the survey, we also presented all the results in the chapter "Presentation of the results«.
Keywords:stress, women, young adults, gender, overloading
