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Authors:ID Ičanović, Leyla (Author)
ID Smrkolj, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 1825$$diplomska_naloga_leyla_icanovic2023_lektorirano_cistopis.pdf (1,36 MB)
MD5: AD1939C23BFCEAD83FC792BC19A63A73
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:V obdobju nosečnosti ženske doživijo veliko telesnih in psihičnih sprememb. Da so se sposobne z njimi soočiti, morajo biti čim bolj ustrezno pripravljene. Poučene nosečnice, ki so telesno aktivne, bolje prisluhnejo svojemu telesu in so v višji psihofizični pripravljenosti. Primerna telesna pripravljenost posameznice v nosečnosti prispeva k znižanju pogostosti zapletov pri porodu in celostno bolj zdravi nosečnosti. Nosečnost naj bi bila eno od najglobljih in najlepših doživetij. Je stanje, ki bi ga morala ženska kar se da aktivno, duševno in telesno doživljati, zato ga je nesmiselno prepustiti lenarjenju. Potrebno se je zavestno spoprijeti z vsemi spremembami. Vse več raziskav kaže, kako zelo pomembna je telesna aktivnost v tem obdobju. V diplomski nalogi smo natančneje opredelili vpliv telesne vadbe na dobro počutje nosečnic in analizirali vrste telesnih dejavnosti, ki so zanje primerne. Opozorili smo na previdnostne ukrepe in kontraindikacije pri njihovem izvajanju. Opisali smo tudi, kakšen vpliv ima telesna vadba na izid poroda, porod in poporodno obdobje. Dandanes je znanje s tega področja dovolj razširjeno in podprto s strokovno literaturo, da lahko potrdimo pozitiven učinek zmerne telesne vadbe na izboljšanje telesne in psihične pripravljenosti nosečnice in njen vpliv na porod. Fizioterapevti imamo pomembno nalogo pri sestavi fizioterapevtskega programa, saj je pomembna individualna obravnava nosečnice. Ta pa mora biti motivirana, pripravljena sodelovati in slediti danim navodilom. Želimo si, da bi s tem vse fizioterapevte spodbudili, da v svojo dejavnost vključijo tudi programe pred-, med- in poporodne telesne pripravljenosti. Promocija zdravja je pomembna v vseh obdobjih življenja, še posebej pa, ko se ustvarja novo življenje.
Keywords:fizioterapija med nosečnostjo, telesna vadba v nosečnosti, zdrava nosečnost.
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9977 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:169082371 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:03.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Effectiveness of physical activity on pregnancy
Abstract:During pregnancy, women experience many physical and psychological changes. To be able to cope with them, they need to be as well prepared as possible. Pregnant women who are physically active are better able to listen to their bodies and are in a higher state of psychophysical fitness. Adequate physical fitness in pregnancy contributes to a lower incidence of complications in childbirth and an overall healthier pregnancy. Pregnancy is supposed to be one of the most profound and beautiful experiences. It is a state that a woman should experience as actively as possible, mentally and physically, and it is pointless to indulge in idleness. It is necessary to consciously face all the changes. More and more research is showing the importance of physical activity during this period. In this thesis, we have defined in more detail the impact of physical exercise on the well-being of pregnant women and analysed the types of physical activity that are suitable for them. We highlighted the precautions and contraindications to exercise. We have also described the impact of exercise on the outcome of childbirth, the birth itself and the postnatal period. Nowadays, the knowledge in this field is sufficiently widespread and supported by scientific literature to confirm the positive effect of moderate physical exercise on improving the physical and mental fitness of the pregnant woman and its impact on childbirth. Physiotherapists have an important role to play in designing a physiotherapy programme, as individualised treatment of the pregnant woman is important. But they must be motivated, cooperative and willing to follow instructions. We would like to encourage all physiotherapists to include pre-, intra- and postnatal fitness programmes in their activities. Health promotion is important at all stages of life, but especially when new life is being created.
Keywords:physiotherapy in pregnancy, exercise in pregnancy, healthy pregnancy.
