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Authors:ID Nedeljković, Marinka (Author)
ID Karajić, Emil (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 5088$$Zakljucna_naloga_20.09.2023.pdf (666,50 KB)
MD5: 873F343F70CD42D2436B5210A984A5EB
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi z naslovom Nudenje psihosocialne podpore staršem otrok z motnjo avtističnega spektra smo se želeli osredotočiti na starše in na ponujeno pomoč, ki so je deležni. Da to področje raziščemo, se nam je zdelo še posebej pomembno zato, ker je motnja avtističnega spektra v porastu. Namen naloge je bil predvsem to, da iz pridobljenih podatkov ugotovimo, kje so pri tem pomanjkljivosti, in posledično določimo področje, na katerem je še potencial, ki bi ga lahko razvili in tako izboljšali stanje na terenu. Ta tematika se nam zdi nadvse pomembna, saj se ob potrditvi diagnoze običajno vsa pozornost usmeri na otroka, na starše pa se pri tem nehote pozabi. Za pridobitev podatkov smo skupno opravili šest intervjujev. Tri intervjuje smo imeli s starši otrok z motnjo avtističnega spektra, tri pa s strokovnimi delavci. Preverili smo stanje na terenu in s pomočjo intervjujev potrdili našo tezo, da je potenciala za izboljšanje stanja nudenja pomoči staršem otrok z motnjo avtističnega spektra še dovolj. Pomoči, ki je trenutno na voljo, je bistveno premalo, tista pomoč, ki obstaja, pa je povečini samoplačniška. Pomoč v okviru socialnega in zdravstvenega zavarovanja je sicer na voljo, vendar je zelo lokacijsko omejena.
Keywords:avtizem, motnja avtističnega spektra, stres, psihosocialna pomoč, psihoterapevtska obravnava, starši otrok z motnjo avtističnega spektra
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9985 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:07.10.2023
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Secondary language

Abstract:In our thesis entitled Providing psychosocial support to parents of children with ASD, we wanted to focus on the parents and the help they receive. To explore this area, we found the work particularly relevant because autism spectrum disorder is on the rise. The main purpose of the thesis was to identify, from the data obtained, where there are shortcomings in this area and, consequently, to identify an area where there is potential that could be developed in order to improve the situation on the ground. We consider this topic to be of the utmost importance, because when a diagnosis is confirmed, all the attention is usually focused on the child and the parents are inadvertently forgotten. In total, six interviews were carried out to obtain the data. Three interviews were with parents of children with autism spectrum disorder and three with professionals. We checked the situation on the ground and, through the interviews, confirmed our thesis that there is enough potential to improve the situation of support for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. The help that is currently available is significantly insufficient, and what help that does exist is largely self-help. Social and health insurance assistance is available, but it is very limited in terms of location.
Keywords:autism, autism spectrum disorder, stress, psychosocial support. psychotherapeutic treatment, parents of children with autism spectrum disorder
