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Title:Priložnosti in omejitve meritokracije za celovit družbeni razvoj v kontekstu družbe znanja : doktorska disertacija
Authors:ID Gorišek, Maruša (Author)
ID Bahovec, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Adam, Frane (Comentor)
Files:.pdf RAZ_Gorisek_Marusa_i2022.pdf (1,69 MB)
MD5: 843FC07B88AA0CDD47909DA1A35C804E
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V ospredju doktorske disertacije je koncept meritokracije oziroma njene vloge v modernih družbah, ki jih opredeljujemo kot družbe znanja in družbe tveganja. Čeprav gre za enega ključnih konceptov modernosti, je v zadnjem času tarča kritik in polemik o njeni koristi za družbo. Pri tem se velikokrat zanemarja dejstvo, da meritokracija ne deluje kot edini družbeni princip, temveč je vpeta v širše družbene, politične in kulturne okoliščine. V disertaciji želimo opredeliti za družbo pozitivne priložnosti meritokracije ter njene omejitve. V teoretičnem delu meritokracijo podrobneje opredelimo z vidika družb znanja in tveganja kot koncept promocije znanja. V empiričnem delu ga nato obravnavamo na različnih družbenih ravneh, pri čemer upoštevamo princip metodološke triangulacije. Prvi del obravnava mednarodni nivo. Kvantitativna analiza sekundarnih virov na kombinaciji indikatorjev kaže, da lahko med različnimi državami govorimo o različnem nivoju meritokracije, tako glede uporabe meritokratskih kriterijev pri zaposlovanju kot z vidika kognitivne mobilizacije, odnosa do znanosti ter vrednotne naravnanosti do meritokracije. Drugi del se osredotoča na raven družbenih podsistemov. Na podlagi polstrukturiranih intervjujev ugotavljamo, da je v različnih družbenih podsistemih razumevanje meritokratskih principov različno. Ti sicer povsod veljajo za zaželen način delovanja, a se v praksi izvajajo v različnem obsegu in na različne načine. Tretji vidik se nanaša na vlogo znanosti in predvsem ekspertov v družbi, ki na ravni družbe poosebljajo meritokratsko logiko. To vprašanje s kritično analizo diskurza in vsebinsko analizo različnih primarnih in sekundarnih virov apliciramo na aktualno situacijo pandemije covida-19. Ugotavljamo, da gre za kompleksna razmerja ne le med eksperti, politiko in javnostjo, ampak vlogo igrajo tudi odnosi znotraj stroke. Sklepamo, da ima meritokracija v sodobnih družbah določene izzive, predvsem povezane z njeno vpetostjo v druge družbene procese, a ponuja tudi izjemne priložnosti glede promocije znanja. To pa odpira zelo kompleksna vprašanja, povezana predvsem z vlogo znanosti v sodobnih družbah ter izzivi postfaktičnih družb.
Keywords:meritokracija, znanje, eksperti, družba tveganja, družba znanja, pandemija covida-19, doktorske disertacije
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Gorišek]
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:172, [17] str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9993 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:126076163 New window
Note:Študijski program Sociologija;
Publication date in ReVIS:09.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Opportunities and limitations of meritocracy for comprehensive social development in the context of knowledge-based society
Abstract:At the forefront of this dissertation is the concept of meritocracy and its role in modern societies. Although being one of the key concepts of modernity, it has recently been a subject of sharp criticism and controversy regarding its benefit to society. The aim of this dissertation is to determine the beneficial opportunities and limitations of meritocracy for a society. In the theoretical part, the concept of meritocracy is thoroughly defined from the aspect of modern knowledge and risk societies as a concept that promotes knowledge. In the empirical part, we discuss meritocracy on different levels of society, following the principle of research triangulation. The first part concerns the international level. Quantitative analysis of secondary data on a combination of indicators shows, that we can observe different levels of meritocracy in different countries, both in terms of applying meritocratic criteria in employment, as well as in terms of cognitive mobilization, attitude to science and meritocratic values. In the second part, based on the semi-structured interviews, we find that different subsystems understand and apply meritocratic principles differently. These are determined as a preferred principles in all analysed subsystems, but in practice, they are implemented to a different extent and in different ways. The third aspect refers to the role of science and especially experts in society, since they embody meritocratic logic at the level of society. We apply this question to the current situation of the covid-19 pandemic through critical discourse analysis and content analysis of various primary and secondary sources. We find that several complicated relationships are formed, not only between experts, politicians and public but among experts and different disciplines as well. We conclude, that meritocracy has certain challenges, especially related to its embeddedness in other social processes, but it also has exceptional opportunities in terms of knowledge promotion. This, however, raises some very complex questions regarding the role of science in modern societies and the challenges of post-factual societies.
