Repository of colleges and higher education institutions

Statistics of ReVIS
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The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Visar Hoxha

Together there are 100 keywords, that are appearing 109 times.
4 of them (4 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 13 times (11.93 % of all appearances).

5x38.46%real estate
2x15.38%investicije, nepremičnine
1xconstruction, businesses, nepremičninski trg, Gjakova, analiza pogodb, zamude, ohranjanje okolja, javna infrastruktura, Človekove pravice, Priština, air pollution, property valuation, construction industry, rain management, Municipality of Prishtina, Directorate of urbanism, construction permits, ecological projects, European Union, real estate market, trajnost zgradb, housing price, influencing factors, road ëidening, diplomske naloge, učinkovitost, izbirni postopek, postopek zaposlovanja, sales price, Komuna, Vushtrria, invesimet, legalizimi, procesi, MMPH, building valuation, energy efficiency, pronësia intelektuale, Javna naročila, administrative procedures, dentalne klinike, E drejta e autorit, Qellimi, residential buildings, mbrojtja, plani veprimit, sistemi monitorimit, trajnost klinik, challenges, FDI vrednotenje, trg nepremičnin, preserving and environment, CO2, primerjave trgov, smart cities, properties, energy sustainability, environment, sustainability, structural constructions, low carbon content, real estate investments, international private and procedural Law, foreign business, purchase and sale contract, prices, supply and demand, materials, riziko, cene, riskiness, appraiser, refered price, construction safety, construction management, property law, real estate financing, investor, designer, human resources management, international law, selection, recruitment, property management, real estate appraisal, customs, property, inheritance, property market, women, laws, market value, court, decisions, tradition, brain drain