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Statistics of ReVIS
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The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a co-author. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell, what this co-author's research fields and interests are.

Person: Robert Vodopivec

Together there are 75 keywords, that are appearing 78 times.
2 of them (2.67 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 5 times (6.41 % of all appearances).

3x60%diplomske naloge
2x40%elektronsko bančništvo
1xMRP, produktivnost, kakovost, odločitveni model, disertacije, obvladovanje stroškov, management, malo lesno podjetje, pokojninski načrt, podjetja, trajnostni razvoj, okolje, zaposleni, medosebni odnosi, oskrbovalna veriga, upokojevanje, delo, kalkulacije, SKB banka d. d., reorganizacija, investiranje, investijske banke, GJS SODO, elektrodistribucijska podjetja, ločevanje, energetski zakon, naložba, plemenite kovine, elektronsko poslovanje, SKB NET, Surfair RF 100, varnost, informacijski sistemi, srebro, zlato, prodajna cena, splošno letalstvo, vrednote, mladostniki, logistics efficiency algorithm, glasba, poslušanje, investicijsko zlato, sekundarno opravilo, primarno opravilo, home care, long-term care, gradbeni proizvodi, akreditacija, certificiranje, globalni trgi, magistrske naloge, housing for older people, age-related preferences, zlati standard, LBMA, canadair, amfibijsko letalo, enlargement, ekranoplan, globalno trženje, kanard, hidro letalo, protests, Erdoğan, Goldman Sachs Group, ameriška centralna banka, CASHGOLD, denar, denar brez kritja, EU, Turkey, trženje