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Title:Uporaba sprostitvenih tehnik pri obvladovanju anksiozne problematike : pregled literature
Authors:ID Vidovič, Lea (Author)
ID Salkunič, Šefik (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Vidovic_Lea_2024.pdf (5,75 KB)
MD5: DE99D18CF89DE51A700FCA759892EEB1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UAMEU - Alma Mater Europaea University
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Anksioznost je naraven odziv telesa na nevarnost ter je normalna, dokler le ta ne postane pretirana in obremenjujoča v vsakdanu posameznika. Simptome tesnobe lahko obvladujemo z doslednim in periodičnim izvajanjem ene ali kombinacije različnih tehnik sprostitve. Cilji: Cilji diplomskega dela so s pomočjo že obstoječe literature proučiti in ovrednotiti relevantno literaturo s področja sprostitvenih tehnik pri obvladovanju anksiozne simptomatike. Predstaviti anksiozno simptomatiko, pregledati, primerjati in analizirati raziskave s področja uporabe sprostitvenih tehnik pri obvladovanju anksiozne simptomatike ter podati bistvene rezultate in ugotovitve. Cilj je tudi analizirati in predstaviti, kako in če različne vrste sprostitvenih tehnik pripomorejo k obvladovanju anksiozne simptomatike v redni praksi. Metode: V teoretičnem delu smo uporabili kompilacijsko in deskriptivno metodologijo, z izhodiščem iz znanstvene literature. V empiričnem delu smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo ter statistično analizo s pomočjo diagrama PRISMA. Rezultati: Rezultati predelanih raziskav so pokazali, da so se pri večini udeležencev, ki so prakticirali različne tehnike sprostitve, simptomi tesnobe zmanjšali ali ostali enaki. V nobenem primeru se niso le ti poslabšali. Hkrati so tehnike sprostitve blagodejno vplivale tako na psihično kot tudi na fizično zdravje. Razprava: Na podlagi ugotovitev obravnavanih raziskav menimo, da so sprostitvene tehnike učinkovito orodje za lajšanje simptomov anksioznosti. Vendar se kljub temu priporočajo dodatne raziskave dolgoročnih učinkov tehnik sprostitve pri anksiozni simptomatiki.
Keywords:anksioznost, duševne motnje, tesnoba, sprostitvene tehnike
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:L. Vidovič
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:[7] f., 35 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11119 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:217887747 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:05.12.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical background: Anxiety is the body's natural response to danger, and is normal as long as it does not become excessive and burdensome in an individual's daily life. The symptoms of anxiety can be managed by consistently and periodically practising one or a combination of several relaxation techniques. Aims: The aims of the thesis are to examine and evaluate the relevant literature on relaxation techniques in the management of anxiety symptomatology, using the existing literature. To present anxiety symptomatology, to review, compare and analyse the research on the use of relaxation techniques in the management of anxiety symptomatology, and to present the main results and findings. Analyse and present how and if different types of relaxation techniques contribute to the management of anxiety symptomatology in regular practice. Methods: We have used a compilation and descriptive methodology, drawing on the scientific literature in the theoretical part. In the empirical part, we used a qualitative method and statistical analysis with the help of PRISMA diagram. Results: The results of the replicated studies showed that the majority of participants who practised different relaxation techniques experienced a reduction in anxiety symptoms, or the same level of anxiety. In no case did they worsen. At the same time, the relaxation techniques had a beneficial effect on both mental and physical health. Discussion: Based on the findings of the research reviewed, relaxation techniques are an effective tool for relieving symptoms of anxiety. However, further research on the long- term effects of relaxation techniques in anxiety symptomatology is recommended.
Keywords:anxiety, mental disorders, anxiety, relaxation techniques
