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Authors:ID Šljivar, Alma (Author)
ID Lapanja, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: EC5F22EC3E76BF31AE3012C95B64E0A2
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Samomorilnost med izvajalci zdravstvene nege predstavlja resen pro- blem, saj so zaradi zahtevnosti poklica in stalne izpostavljenosti stresu bolj dovzetni za duševne stiske in samomorilno vedenje. Raziskava je pomembna, ker osvetljuje tveganje za samomoril- nost v tej ranljivi skupini in preučuje dejavnike, ki lahko povečajo ali zmanjšajo to tveganje. Namen pregleda literature je bil preučiti samomorilno ogroženost med izvajalci zdravstvene nege. Metoda: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom strokovne in znanstvene litera- ture. Iskalno strategijo smo oblikovali z uporabo ključnih besed, kot so »suicide«, »healthcare workers« in »mental health«, ter Boolovega operatorja AND za kombinacijo izrazov. Literaturo smo iskali v podatkovnih bazah ScienceDirect, PubMed in Google Scholar ter jo časovno ome- jili na obdobje od leta 2013 do 2023. Za identifikacijo in selekcijo virov smo uporabili smernice PRISMA. Rezultati: V pregled smo vključili 15 člankov v polnem besedilu, ki so ustrezali izbranim kri- terijem. Podatke, zbrane v oktobru 2024, smo analizirali s tehniko kodiranja in oblikovali vse- binske kategorije, kot so stopnja samomorilne ogroženosti, dejavniki tveganja, varovalni dejav- niki in obstoječi sistemi pomoči, kar je omogočilo jasnejšo interpretacijo rezultatov. Razprava: Ugotovitve pregleda literature kažejo, da so izvajalci zdravstvene nege zaradi na- rave dela izpostavljeni večjemu tveganju za samomorilnost kot splošna populacija. Kvalitativna analiza potrjuje, da dolge izmene, čustvena izčrpanost in visoka odgovornost povečujejo tve- ganje za duševne stiske. Razprava poudarja potrebo po dodatnih preventivnih ukrepih in pod- pornih sistemih, ki bi pripomogli k izboljšanju duševnega zdravja in zmanjšanju samomorilno- sti v tej ranljivi poklicni skupini.
Keywords:samomorilnost, izvajalci zdravstvene nege, preventiva, dejavniki tveganja, duševno zdravje.
Year of publishing:2024
Publication date in ReVIS:22.12.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical background: Suicide among nursing care providers is a critical issue, as the de- mands of their profession and constant exposure to high-stress environments increase their su- sceptibility to mental distress and suicidal behavior. This research is essential because it illu- minates the risk of suicide in this vulnerable group and explores factors that may heighten or mitigate this risk. The purpose of this literature review was to assess suicidal risk among nursing care providers. Method: A descriptive literature review method was used. A targeted search strategy was de- veloped with keywords including "suicide," "healthcare workers," and "mental health," combi- ned using the Boolean operator AND. Literature searches were conducted in the ScienceDirect, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases, limited to the period from 2013 to 2023. We employed the PRISMA guidelines to identify and select relevant sources. Results: Fifteen full-text articles meeting the inclusion criteria were reviewed. Data collected in October 2024 was analyzed using coding techniques, leading to content categories such as suicide risk levels, risk factors, protective factors, and current support systems, which allowed for a more structured interpretation of findings. Discussion: The literature review findings indicate that nursing practitioners are at a signifi- cantly higher risk of suicide than the general population due to the inherent demands of their work. Qualitative analysis corroborates that long working hours, emotional exhaustion, and high responsibility levels amplify the risk of mental distress. The discussion emphasizes the need for targeted preventive measures and robust support systems to enhance mental health and lower suicide rates in this at-risk professional group.
Keywords:suicide, nursing providers, prevention, risk factors, mental health.
