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Title:Sodobni učni pristopi v baletnem izobraževanju ter njihova implementacija v plesnih programih Slovenije : magistrsko delo študijskega programa druge bolonjske stopnje Študije plesnih umetnosti, Plesna pedagogika
Authors:ID Germ, Ana (Author)
ID Sečak, Svebor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Germ_Ana_md_2024.pdf (2,64 MB)
MD5: E7A115461716A4FA91DE4B69C7AB4329
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:UAMEU - Alma Mater Europaea University
Abstract:Ker se v baletnem izobraževanju še zmeraj srečujemo s tradicionalnimi in avtokratičnimi pristopi in metodami poučevanja, smo v prvem delu magistrskega dela opredelili sodobne učne pristope, metode in stile poučevanja in učenja, ki bi bili primerni za baletno izobraževanje v 21. stoletju. Med tradicionalnim (profesionalnim) in procesno usmerjenim modelom v plesnem izobraževanju smo izpostavili vmesni – integrirani model, med učnimi stili spekter reproduktivnih in produktivnih stilov ter med sodobnimi pristopi: holizem, inkluzijo, aktivno, izkustveno in reflektivno učenje, ustvarjalnost, samozavedanje, medpredmetno povezovanje, interdisciplinarnost in povezovanje z novo tehnologijo. Dodali smo tudi psiho-fizične smernice za varno vadbo kot pomembna načela pri poučevanju baleta v sodobnem času. V raziskovalnem delu nas je zanimalo, v kolikšni meri učitelji baleta v Sloveniji implementirajo opredeljene sodobne učne pristope, metode in stile poučevanja in učenja v svoj učni proces. Rezultati raziskave s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika so pokazali, da v Sloveniji sicer ne prevladujejo več avtokratični in tradicionalni načini poučevanja, temveč da so učitelji v pristopih in metodah dela precej razdeljeni, nedosledni pri zasledovanju določenih konceptov ali omejeni skozi sistemsko ureditev plesnih programov. Slednje se je izkazalo tudi pri analizi praktičnega prikaza učne ure.
Keywords:sodobni učni pristopi, učne metode, učni stili, baletno izobraževanje, vmesni – integrirani model
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:A. Germ
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:[7] f., 65, [13] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11408 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:224737539 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:31.01.2025
GERM, Ana, 2024, Sodobni učni pristopi v baletnem izobraževanju ter njihova implementacija v plesnih programih Slovenije : magistrsko delo študijskega programa druge bolonjske stopnje Študije plesnih umetnosti, Plesna pedagogika [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. Germ. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Abstract:Since we still encounter traditional and autocratic approaches and teaching methods in ballet education, we identified contemporary teaching approaches, methods and styles that would be appropriate for ballet education in the 21st century in the first part of the master's thesis. Between the traditional (professional) and process-oriented model in dance education, we highlighted the midway – integrated model, between learning styles the spectrum of reproductive and productive styles and between modern approaches: holism, inclusion, active, experiential and reflective learning, creativity, self-awareness, interdisciplinary integration, interdisciplinarity and integration with new technology. We have also added psycho-physical guidelines for safe practice as important principles in teaching ballet in modern times. In the research part, we were interested in the extent to which ballet teachers in Slovenia implement defined contemporary teaching approaches, methods and styles of teaching and learning in their learning process. The results of the survey, using a questionnaire, showed that autocratic and traditional teaching methods are no longer dominant in Slovenia, but rather that teachers are quite divided in their approaches and methods, inconsistent in pursuing certain concepts or limited through the systematic arrangement of dance programs. The latter has also been proven in the analysis of the practical presentation of the dance lesson.
Keywords:modern teaching approaches, teaching methods, teaching styles, ballet education, midway – integrated model
