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Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

BSc theses (1)

  1. Radmila Todović: Komunikacija s pacientom po možganski kapi

Other documents (11)

  1. Karmen Erjavec, Andreja Hrovat Bukovšek: Perceptions of patients and professionals about the path of a patient with periodontal disease through the health-care system
  2. Karmen Erjavec, Petra Kotnik: Patient needs, functional requirements, aesthetic preferences and barriers in app-based therapy for knee osteoarthritis
  3. Sabina Krsnik, Karmen Erjavec: Comprehensive study on the determinants of green behaviour of Slovenian consumers
  4. Sabina Krsnik, Nevenka Kregar-Velikonja, Karmen Erjavec: Identifikacija potreb pridelovalcev – ovire in razvojne možnosti ter izbor zelišč z največjim tržnim potencialom
  5. Sabina Krsnik, Karmen Erjavec: Factors influencing use of medicinal herbs
  6. Sabina Krsnik, Luka Kristanc, Andreja Papež Kristanc, Lili Mahne, Marko Cvetko, Alenka Zapušek, David Geršak, Nevenka Kregar-Velikonja, Karmen Erjavec: Terapevtske fitokmetije
  7. Petra Kotnik, Karmen Erjavec: Opinions on remote treatment programs for patients with knee osteoarthritis
  8. Sabina Krsnik, Karmen Erjavec: Revitalization of the Slovenian herbal market?
  9. Karmen Erjavec, Ljiljana Leskovic: Long-term healthcare professionals’ experiences of burnout and correlation between burnout and fatigue
  10. Sabina Krsnik, Karmen Erjavec: Influence of sociodemographic, organizational, and social factors on turnover consideration among eldercare workers
  11. Karmen Erjavec: Dejavniki zaviranja in spodbujanja zaposlovanja v dolgotrajni oskrbi