Examination of women's rights in family law and the formation of alimony : diploma thesisDemir Bülent, 2016, diplomsko delo
Opis: The family is the most robust chain that connects the person to the state. Therefore, the communities or the states that does not be based on Family principle, they are similar to buildings made without mortar, degraded in the smallest shake. For this reason, law makers acknowledge the importance of the institution of the family can't be ignored, and to give him the value he deserves to maintaining many rules have been established.When systems are examined on the subject of divorce and divorce the concept of divorce from the perspective of the society, religious, moral, and political trends are found to be effective in the role of the family is known in the relations between the individual and the state, therole of the individual take effect, facilitated divorce, marriage with individualization has ceased to be related to the public order. The idea of the permanence of marriage, has left the place, the idea to develop freely their personality spouses. The second book of the Turkish Civil Code Is devoted to family law. in the first part, edited on the Law of marriage and this part, marriage (m. 118-160) , divorce (m. 161-184), general provisions of marriage (m. 185-201), property regime between spouses (m. 202-281) as examined in four chapters. In the Turkish Civil Code, the concept of divorce, which is considered as one of the reasons of the marriage ended, spouses that they earn their status by marriage bring out some new results. The most important issues that arise in practice about the divorce, legal divorce is to be found in the divorce legal results In practice. After the divorce poverty and its affiliates support and provision of personal relationships children with their parents have been experiencing problems.
Ključne besede: divorce, alimony, women's rights
Objavljeno v ReVIS: 16.08.2018; Ogledov: 2545; Prenosov: 119
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