Repozitorij samostojnih visokošolskih in višješolskih izobraževalnih organizacij

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Avtorji:ID Kikelj, Petra (Avtor)
ID Lamut, Urša (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
ID Karajić, Emil (Komentor)
Datoteke:.pdf 11156$$zakljucno_delo.pdf (1,88 MB)
MD5: 8DEAFA50683E6B3460BD803A0A518BC2
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FUDS - Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije
Opis:Namen: Neiskrenost je normalen, pogost in kompleksen pojav v terapiji. V pojem neiskrenosti vključujemo različne oblike laži: očitne laži, polresnice, izkrivljanje, bele ali altruistične laži, ki klientom pogosto služijo kot obrambna funkcija in jih je treba obravnavati previdno. V magistrski nalogi se osredotočamo na razumevanje temeljnih motivov, ki kliente vodijo k neiskrenosti, na vpliv ne(razkritja) neiskrenosti na terapevtski odnos ter se sprašujemo, katere strategije lahko po mnenju klientov uporabijo terapevti za naslavljanje neiskrenosti. Metoda: S kvalitativno vsebinsko analizo ankete z odprtimi vprašanji smo skušali pridobiti odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja tako, da smo deset udeležencev (devet žensk in enega moškega), ki imajo izkušnjo družinske in zakonske psihoterapije, prosili, naj čim bolj odprto in iskreno odgovorijo na vprašanja anonimne ankete. Rezultati: Neiskrenost klientov pogosto izvira iz pomanjkanja občutka varnosti in zaupanja v terapevtskem odnosu. Najpogostejši motivi klientov za njihovo neiskrenost vključujejo strah pred obsojanjem, nerazumevanjem in kritiziranjem terapevta, občutek sramu, ponižanja in izkušnjo travme. Udeleženci so, ko njihova neiskrenost ni bila odkrita in naslovljena, večinoma doživljali strah, stisko in terapevtski odnos zaznavali bolj negativno v primerjavi s pozitivnimi čustvi in večjim občutkom varnosti ter zaupanja v terapevtski proces v primeru terapevtove naslovitve. Udeleženci predlagajo kot najbolj primeren nežen, empatičen in neposreden pristop za naslavljanje neiskrenosti z uporabo normalizacije, psihoedukacije in generalizacije. Zaključek: Ugotavljamo, da sta razumevanje in obravnava motivov neiskrenosti v terapevtskem okolju zelo občutljiva, a pomembna dejavnika, ki vplivata na proces in rezultate terapije. Kot pomembno se kaže tudi trenutno pomanjkljivo izobraževanje terapevtov o pojavu neiskrenosti, strategijah in tehnikah, ki se jih lahko poslužijo, da bi čim bolj olajšali razkrivanje klientov ter ohranjali in krepili terapevtski odnos.
Ključne besede:psihoterapija, klientova neiskrenost, motivi za neiskrenost, terapevtsko zavezništvo, iskrenost v terapiji
Leto izida:2024
Datum objave v ReVIS:05.12.2024
Število ogledov:204
Število prenosov:133
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Opis:Purpose: Insincerity is a normal, common and complex phenomenon in therapy. The concept of dishonesty includes various forms of lies: obvious lies, half-truths, fabrications, white lies or altruistic lies, which often serve as a defensive function for clients and need to be treated with caution. In this master thesis we focus on understanding the underlying motives that lead clients to be insincere, the impact of (not) revealing insincerity on the therapeutic relationship, and we also ask what strategies clients think therapists can use to address insincerity. Method: Qualitative content analysis of an open-ended question survey sought to elicit responses to the research questions by asking ten participants (9 women and 1 man) with experience of family and marriage psychotherapy to answer as openly and honestly as possible to an anonymous survey. Results: Clients' insincerity often comes from a lack of a sense of security and trust in the therapeutic relationship. The most common motives for clients' insincerity include fear of being judged, misunderstood and criticised by the therapist, feelings of shame, humiliation and the experience of trauma. When their insincerity was not discovered and addressed, participants tended to experience fear, distress and perceived the therapeutic relationship more negatively, compared to positive emotions and a greater sense of safety and trust in the therapeutic process when the therapist addressed it. Participants suggested that a gentle, empathic and direct approach to addressing insincerity using normalisation, psychoeducation and generalisation was most preferable. Conclusion: We find that understanding and addressing motives of insincerity in the therapeutic setting are very sensitive but important factors that influence the process and outcomes of therapy. The current lack of training for therapists on the phenomenon of insincerity also emerges as an important issue. This includes the strategies and techniques they can use to facilitate as much as possible the disclosure of clients and to not only maintain but also strengthen the therapeutic relationship.
Ključne besede:psychotherapy, client's insincerity, motives for insincerity, therapeutic alliance, honesty in therapy
